Home  /  Products  /  Stata 16  /  Stata in Korean

This page announced the new features in Stata 16. Please see our Stata 18 page for the new features in Stata 18.

Stata in Korean

All of Stata's interface—all menus and all dialogs—is now available in Korean.

If your computer language is set to Korean (ko), Stata will automatically use its Korean setting. To change languages manually using Windows or Unix, select Edit > Preferences > User-interface language... Using Mac, select Stata 16 > Preferences > User-interface language... You can also change the language using the set locale_ui command.

StataCorp gratefully acknowledges the efforts of JasonTG, Stata's official distributor in Korea, for the translation to Korean.

Tell me more

Learn more about the set locale_ui command in [P] set locale_ui.