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Update contact information

To update your contact information, either temporarily or permanently, please fill out the following form:

Stata serial number
To find your Stata serial number, type about in Stata.
Previous postal mailing address
Address line 1
Street address, etc.
Address line 2
Apartment, suite, building, floor, etc.
Postal code or ZIP
Email address
This change is permanent
from to
New information
Department/Field of study
Phone number
New postal mailing address
Address line 1
Street address, etc.
Address line 2
Apartment, suite, building, floor, etc.
Postal code or ZIP
Business   Residential
Email address
Yes, I would like to receive emails regarding the following:

We appreciate that our users do not want to be inundated with email. Those who sign up to receive emails can anticipate receiving no more than a couple in a month. For example, someone who signs up to be informed of Stata Conferences may receive four emails in one year.

To ensure delivery of emails to your inbox, add [email protected] to your address book.


Thank you for sending us this updated information!

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