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st: Re: st: Re: st: generating variables for group members conditional on member's own values and values for other group members‏

From   Eric Booth <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: Re: st: Re: st: generating variables for group members conditional on member's own values and values for other group members‏
Date   Mon, 10 Jan 2011 10:07:50 -0600


I think this is what you are asking for:

***added to end of prev example-->
bys project_id: egen x2_new = max(x2)
replace x2_new = . if x2==org_new

The distinction of orgs i & j for questions like these becomes muddled because as you loop over the observations, every org is at some point i or j within each project_id.  During your analysis, you may find it useful to, at some points, reshape your data to wide to help work across orgs in a project.

- Eric
Eric A. Booth
Public Policy Research Institute
Texas A&M University
[email protected]

On Jan 10, 2011, at 3:47 AM, <[email protected]>
 <[email protected]> wrote:

> Dear Eric and statalist.
> Thank you for helping me along.
> When I run the suggested code it generates the desired values for org_id (j) rather than for org_id (i). 
> Is there a way to generate the desired values for org_id (i)?
> Sincerely,
> Erik Aadland.
> <>
> Assuming there are no cases in your full dataset where there are more
> than one case in each project with a new niche value==1 & 
> has nonmissing org_elite value) :
> ***********************!
> /* setup */
> clear
> inp project_id  org_id  org_elite  org_new  new_niche
> 1   1   1  0.9    0 
> 1   2   0.9  0.2    1
> 1   3   0.1  0.3    0
> 1   6   0  0   0
> 2   4   0.5  0.86   1
> 2   5   .  .   0 
> 2   1   1  0.9    0 
> 3   6   0.5  0.9    1
> 3   7   .  0.9    0
> end
> /*   QUESTION 1
> I am trying to generate a variable X by project_id 
> and org_id that does the following:
> if org_id (i) has an org_elite value that is ( > 0 <.)
> and collaborates with another org_id (j) 
> with an org_new value (> 0.85) and that org_id (j)
> has a new niche value =1, then org_id (i) gets a 
> value of 1 and 0 otherwise on the new variable X.
> */
> bys project_id: egen m_org_new = max(org_new)  ///
>    if new_niche==1
> g x = 1 if m_org_new > .85  &   ///
>    org_elite>0 & !mi(org_elite, m_org_new)
> recode x (.=0)
> /*   QUESTION 2
> Similarly, I am trying to generate a variable X2 by 
> project_id and org_id that does the following:
> if org_id (i) has a new niche value =1, and collaborates
> with another org_id (j) that has an org_elite value ( <.),
> then org_id (i) gets a value on the new variable X2 that 
> equals the org_elite value for org_id (j).
> */
> g x2 =  m_org_new if !mi(m_org_new, org_elite) 
> ************************!
> - Eric
> __
> Eric A. Booth
> Public Policy Research Institute
> Texas A&M University
> [email protected]
> Office: +979.845.6754
> Fax: +979.845.0249
> On Jan 9, 2011, at 11:36 AM, <[email protected]>
> wrote:
>> project_id     org_id             org_elite     org_new     new_niche
>> 1                      1               1        0.9                0 
>> 1                      2               0.9      0.2                1
>> 1                      3               0.1      0.3                0
>> 1                      6               0        0                  0
>> 2                      4               0.5      0.86               1
>> 2                      5               .        .                  0 
>> 2                      1               1        0.9                0 
>> 3                      6               0.5      0.9                1
>> 3                      7               .        0.9                0
>> I am trying to generate a variable X by project_id and org_id that does the following:
>> if org_id (i) has an org_elite value that is ( > 0 <.) , and collaborates with another org_id (j) with an org_new value (> 0.85) and that org_id (j) has a new niche value =1, then org_id (i) gets a value of 1 and 0 otherwise on the new variable X.
>> Similarly, I am trying to generate a variable X2 by project_id and org_id that does the following:
>> if org_id (i) has a new niche value =1, and collaborates with another org_id (j) that has an org_elite value ( <.), then org_id (i) gets a value on the new variable X2 that equals the org_elite value for org_id (j).
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