Dear Statalisters,
I am trying to obtain the standard errors of the fixed effects terms
after -xtreg-.
Using an analogous dataset to mine, obtaining the fe terms is easy:
sysuse bpwide, clear
xtreg bp_after bp_before sex, fe i(agegrp) robust
predict fe_agegrp, u
However, I don't know how to proceed to obtain the standard errors of
these fixed effects.
I appreciate your time and effort in advance. I noticed that this
question has been asked but not answered on Statalist previously (see: or:
I am loathe to revisit a topic that was not previously of interest or
perhaps has a trivial answer that I've overlooked, however I am quite
Again, thanks,
Sarah Cohodes
Data Manager and Research Analyst
Project for Policy Innovation in Education
Harvard Graduate School of Education
617.496.3408 (phone)
617.495.2614 (fax)
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