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Re: st: problems with levpet command

From   Nick Cox <[email protected]>
To   "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Subject   Re: st: problems with levpet command
Date   Tue, 28 Jan 2014 11:27:09 +0000

OK. I think now that your problem must be something specific to
-levpet-. I am out of advice because I've never used it and don't know
anything about its precise assumptions, but

. set trace on

before -levpet- would show where the program fails. If you show the
results, someone may be able to give advice.

[email protected]

On 28 January 2014 11:19, Skrinjaric Bruno <[email protected]> wrote:
> Here it is...
> . summarize lnrva lnl lnrm lnrk id year
>     Variable |       Obs        Mean    Std. Dev.       Min        Max
> -------------+--------------------------------------------------------
>        lnrva |      1047    17,20429    2,074527   8,822554   23,24413
>          lnl |      1047    4,766175    1,732232          0   9,194313
>         lnrm |      1047    17,24891    2,236354   8,082948    23,6598
>         lnrk |      1047     16,8549    2,405058   7,859804   23,52634
>           id |      1047     2549185     1011692     154288    3964248
> -------------+--------------------------------------------------------
>         year |      1047    2009,975    1,627722       2008       2012
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [email protected]
> [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Nick Cox
> Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2014 11:52 AM
> To: [email protected]
> Subject: Re: st: problems with levpet command
> You should only remove zeros with good reason, and you have not given
> one.
> On this evidence, you really do have missings, despite your denial.
> Show us the results of
> . summarize lnrva lnl lnrm lnrk id year
> Nick
> [email protected]
> On 28 January 2014 10:40, Skrinjaric Bruno <[email protected]> wrote:
>> . d id year
>> variable storage   display    value
>> name          type    format     label      variable label
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> --
>> --------
>> id                 long    %10.0g                     id of the firm
>> year              int     %9.0g                        year
>> . destring id year,replace
>> id already numeric; no replace
>> year already numeric; no replace
>> No, that's still not it. I have removed zero values in hope of
>> resolving this problem, but it didn't work.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: [email protected]
>> [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Nick Cox
>> Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2014 11:21 AM
>> To: [email protected]
>> Subject: Re: st: problems with levpet command
>> You've not told us about -id- and -year-. -levpet- requires a numeric
>> panel identifier.
>> If -id- is string, then use -encode-.
>> (Removing zero values: why did you do that?)
>> Nick
>> [email protected]
>> On 28 January 2014 09:59, Skrinjaric Bruno <[email protected]>
> wrote:
>>> Thanks for quick reply. When I do -describe- this is what I get...
>>> . describe lnrva lnl lnrm lnrk
>>> variable storage   display    value
>>>    name     type       format     label      variable label
>>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> -
>>> --
>>> --------
>>> lnrva           float      %9.0g                               Ln of
>>> Real VA, deflated by
>>> sectoral deflator
>>> lnl                 float      %9.0g                            Ln of
>>> labour
>>> lnrm            float      %9.0g                                Ln of
>>> Real material costs,
>>> deflated by GDP deflator
>>> lnrk              float      %9.0g                              Ln of
>>> Real capital stock, deflated
>>>                                                                  by
>>> GDP deflator
>>> Even if I try to destring it, it says they are already numeric...
>>> . destring lnrva lnl lnrm lnrk, replace force lnrva already numeric;
>>> no replace lnl already numeric; no replace lnrm already numeric; no
>>> replace lnrk already numeric; no replace
>>> I still do not know what to do.
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: [email protected]
>>> [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Nick Cox
>>> Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2014 10:38 AM
>>> To: [email protected]
>>> Subject: Re: st: problems with levpet command
>>> This often means that some variable that should be numeric is really
>>> string. Look carefully at the results of -describe- on the variables
>>> you are using and try using -destring-.
>>> Nick
>>> [email protected]
>>> On 28 January 2014 09:31, Skrinjaric Bruno <[email protected]>
>> wrote:
>>>> I have only recently started using Stata and I came across a project
>>>> where I have to use levpet command. I have downloaded st060 (SJ-4-2)
>>>> and installed it.
>>>> I want to use the following command:
>>>> . levpet lnrva, free(lnl) proxy(lnrm) capital(lnrk) i(id) t(year)
>>>> valueadded
>>>> However I always get to following error:
>>>> no observations
>>>> r(2000);
>>>> I am very sure I have all the observations for the variables I am
>>> using.
>>>> I am doing this for every sector according to NACE 1-digit
>>>> classification and the number of observations ranges from 25 - 1125
>>>> across different sectors.
>>>> But I removed all missing values, and also all zero values. All
>>>> variables are in float format.
>>>> I have also read the help file, but I cannot find the solution to my
>>>> problem.
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