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st: problems with levpet command

From   "Skrinjaric Bruno" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: problems with levpet command
Date   Tue, 28 Jan 2014 10:31:55 +0100


I have only recently started using Stata and I came across a project
where I have to use levpet command. I have downloaded st060 (SJ-4-2) and
installed it. 

I want to use the following command:

. levpet lnrva, free(lnl) proxy(lnrm) capital(lnrk) i(id) t(year)

However I always get to following error:

no observations

I am very sure I have all the observations for the variables I am using.
I am doing this for every sector according to NACE 1-digit
classification and the number of observations ranges from 25 - 1125
across different sectors. 
But I removed all missing values, and also all zero values. All
variables are in float format. 

I have also read the help file, but I cannot find the solution to my

I would really appreciate any help.


Bruno Skrinjaric

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