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Re: st: Panel data - Foreach-Collapse commands
Nick Cox <[email protected]>
"[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Re: st: Panel data - Foreach-Collapse commands
Wed, 15 Jan 2014 12:00:51 +0000
I havealready explained your immediate Stata problem in posts you
include here, otherwise found at
Let me try again. Consider the following code
webuse grunfeld, clear
xtset company year
foreach var in invest kstock {
mvsumm `var', stat(sd) win(3) gen(`var'3sd) end
collapse `var' , by(company)
I added the command -describe-. This is what it says first time around the loop.
Contains data
obs: 10
vars: 2
size: 120 (99.9% of memory free)
storage display value
variable name type format label variable label
company float %9.0g
invest float %9.0g (mean) invest
Sorted by: company
Note: dataset has changed since last saved
In other words, there are only two variables in the dataset, -company-
and -invest-. This is because of your -collapse-. You got what you
asked for. -collapse- changes the existing dataset. Thus -kstock- has
disappeared and, second time round the loop, you inevitably get the
error reported.
In addition, you generated moving SDs and then threw them away. This
seems pointless.
I imagine you really wanted to do something like this. Note that the
repeated -collapse- is a bad idea, as it obliges you to read in the
dataset again. So, don't -collapse- within the loop, but do it later.
webuse grunfeld, clear
xtset company year
foreach var in invest kstock {
mvsumm `var', stat(sd) win(3) gen(`var'3sd) end
collapse *sd , by(company)
All that said, what are you doing? The mean (over its history) of a
moving SD of 3 values doesn't strike me as a well-defined property,
regardless of whether you can find it used in the literature.
I've left your other questions as much more than I want to try to handle.
[email protected]
On 15 January 2014 04:15, Sadia Khalid <[email protected]> wrote:
> There is no issue of calculating the moving SD of Y and X.
> but when i am going to collapse (SD of Y ans X), it is only
> collpaseing the first varialbe, error for the second variable. how to
> aviod this problem . by collapising the varialbes i want to a single
> value for each country.
> On 15 January 2014 08:47, Sadia Khalid <[email protected]> wrote:
>> firstly I want to calculate the the 3 Year Moving Sd of variables (Y
>> and X). like SD of (1,2,3)
>> first three obs and than SD of (2,3,4 )th obs ans so on.
>> than i have to take the average of these variables by country
>> variables, to collapse them to a single number for each country.
>> Regards
>> Sadia Khalid
>> On 15 January 2014 08:26, Nick Cox <[email protected]> wrote:
>>> Your -collapse- ignores your SD results. Otherwise I stand by my
>>> earlier comments. I have difficulties writing code when the aim seems
>>> ill-judged.
>>> Nick
>>> [email protected]
>>> On 15 January 2014 03:14, Sadia Khalid <[email protected]> wrote:
>>>> Yes I want is
>>>> collapsing on one variable , saving, reopening the original, collapsing...,
>>>> I have got the program to do but i cannot modify this to my situtation.
>>>> the link to the code is
>>>> yes i want to calculate the 3 Year Moving Sd. like SD of (1,2,3)
>>>> first three obs and than SD of (2,3,4 )th obs ans so on.
>>>> Regards
>>>> Sadia Khalid
>>>> On 15 January 2014 01:39, Nick Cox <[email protected]> wrote:
>>>>> Too many questions (at least for me to want to answer)! I'll peel off
>>>>> the first.
>>>>> Once you -collapse- the first time round your loop, -kstock- has
>>>>> disappeared from your dataset. That's what -collapse- does: reduce
>>>>> your dataset to a new one. But the -collapse- is (arguably) illogical.
>>>>> Moving standard deviations are unique to each observation. A mean
>>>>> moving SD could be calculated, but it seems unlikely to be what you
>>>>> want. If it is really what you want, you need to read in the original
>>>>> data again. On the other hand, I want whether you really want a
>>>>> moving SD. The rest of your question seems to imply otherwise.
>>>>> General comment: Some Statalist members use MS Excel. Many don't in
>>>>> practice or won't on principle. It's not a good idea to imply that
>>>>> members are inclined to try and work out how to read your data into
>>>>> Stata from Excel.
>>>>> Nick
>>>>> [email protected]
>>>>> On 14 January 2014 20:18, Sadia Khalid [edited]
>>>>> I am working on panel data. I have to create the Rolling SD of Y
>>>>> variable which I am able to create with the help of -mvsumm- (SSC).
>>>>> The command for creating the 3 year moving SD is
>>>>> mvsumm y, stat(mean) win(3) gen(`var'3avg) end
>>>>> As I have to do 3 year moving SD for a number of variables I am trying
>>>>> to use -foreach- and these are the commands in my do file
>>>>> webuse grunfeld,clear
>>>>> xtset company year
>>>>> *** Code for calculating 3 Year moving SD**
>>>>> foreach var in invest kstock {
>>>>> mvsumm `var', stat(sd) win(3) gen(`var'3sd) end
>>>>> collapse `var' , by(company)
>>>>> }
>>>>> I get the following error message.
>>>>> “variable kstock not found”
>>>>> How can I overcome this?
>>>>> <big snip>
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