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RE: st: Regression by industry and year excluding firm i

From   "Abdalla, Ahmed" <[email protected]>
To   "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Subject   RE: st: Regression by industry and year excluding firm i
Date   Fri, 13 Dec 2013 19:01:52 +0000

Dear Nick
Many Thanks for that.
I understand your code now. I ran it. However, STATA has been running the loop for more than 40 minutes now and I got no output !!!
I will explain more:
I have a model:
wce= b0+b1wlag_ce+b2 wato+b3 wlag_acc +b4wacc+b5 wdsale+b6 wndsale

I want to run this model using all observations in a particular industry -year excluding firm i. Expected wce for firm i are measured using the coefficients I obtain from the industry year regressions multiplied by the actual values of the variables in the model for firm i. 
As far as I understand your code should achieve my target, but it took long time and didn't give any results !
I even tried another code that worked well and give me results in seconds, but it doesn't exclude firm i from the estimation. I will write this code for you here:
egen sic2id=group(sic_2 datadate)
egen count=count(sic2id), by(sic2id)
drop if count<10
drop count
drop sic2id
egen sic2id=group(sic_2 datadate)

gen b0=.
gen b1= .
gen b2=.
gen b3=.
gen b4=.
gen b5=.
gen b6=.

sum sic2id
scalar max2=r(max)
local k=max2
set more off
forvalues x=1(1)`k'{
capture reg wce wlag_ce wato wlag_acc wacc wdsale wndsale if sic2id==`x' 
capture replace b0= _b[_cons]
capture replace b1= _b[wlag_ce] 
capture replace b2= _b[wato] 
capture replace b3= _b[wlag_acc] 
capture replace b4= _b[wacc] 
capture replace b5= _b[wdsale] 
capture replace b6= _b[wndsale]

I appreciate if you can explain what was wrong with your code and update the new code I have posted here to exclude firm i.

From: [email protected] <[email protected]> on behalf of Nick Cox <[email protected]>
Sent: 13 December 2013 18:03
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: st: Regression by industry and year excluding firm i


1. If you are cycling over observations, you don't need a variable
containing observation numbers, nor to use -levelsof-.

2. -in- is always faster than the corresponding -if-.

3. wlag_ce=!=. is presumably a typo, but to Stata it will be illegal syntax.

4. -capture replace b0= _b[_cons]- will end with the last intercept
calculated. I guess you don't want that.

5. Checking for missing values is redundant as -regress- will never
include them.

With these and some other small tricks, here is an attempt at
rewriting your code.

local X wlag_ce wato wlag_acc wacc wdsale wndsale
tokenize "`X'"

forval j = 0/6 {
gen b`j'=.

forval i = 1/`=_N' {
local same sic_2[`i'] == sic_2 & datadate[`i'] == datadate
qui count if `same' & _n != `i'

if r(N) > 10 {
reg wce `X' if `same' & _n != `i'

quietly if _rc == 0 {
replace b0 = _b[_cons] in `i'
forval j = 1/6 {
replace b`j' = _b[``j''] in `i'

gen pred_ce= b0 + b1*wlag_ce + b2*wato + b3*wlag_acc + ///
b4*wacc + b5*wdsale + b6*wndsale

[email protected]

On 13 December 2013 17:33, Abdalla, Ahmed <[email protected]> wrote:
> Dear Statalist
> I run a regression to estimate core earnings for each variable in my dataset. The regression is run using all observations in a particular industry year EXCLUDING firm i. Expected core earnings for firm i is estimated using the coefficients multiplied by the actual values of variables in the model for firm i.
> I run the following code.
> First: I get an error message for macro length being exceeded.
> Second: I try to use other commands for looping, the loop runs but it gives me error message for invalid syntax.
> My problem is on how to exclude firm i ? I hope if you have any suggestions regarding running regressions by industry and year and excluding firm i from the estimation procedures.
> gen obs= [_n]
> gen runn=1
> gen b0=.
> gen b1= .
> gen b2=.
> gen b3=.
> gen b4=.
> gen b5=.
> gen b6=.
> levelsof obs,local(levels)
> foreach x of local levels{
> gen mark=1 if obs==runn
> gen sic_lp= sic_2 if obs ==runn
> qui summ sic_lp
> replace sic_lp = r(mean) if sic_lp==.
> gen datadate_lp= datadate if obs == runn
> qui summ datadate_lp
> replace datadate_lp = r(mean) if datadate_lp==.
> format datadate_lp %d
> gen sample =1 if sic_lp== sic_2 & datadate_lp== datadate & sale !=. & wce !=. & wlag_ce=!=. & wato !=. & wacc !=. & wlag_acc!=. & wdsale !=. & wndsale !=.
> egen sample_sum= sum(sample) if mark != 1
> capture reg wce wlag_ce wato wlag_acc wacc wdsale wndsale if sample==1 & mark != 1 & sample_sum >10
> capture replace b0= _b[_cons]
> capture replace b1= _b[wlag_ce] if obs==runn
> capture replace b2= _b[wato] if obs==runn
> capture replace b3= _b[wlag_acc] if obs==runn
> capture replace b4= _b[wacc] if obs==runn
> capture replace b5= _b[wdsale] if obs==runn
> capture replace b6= _b[wndsale] if obs==runn
> drop mark sic_lp datadate_lp sample sample_sum
> replace runn= runn+1
> }
> gen pred_ce= b0+ b1*wlag_ce + b2*wato +b3*wlag_acc + b4*wacc + b5*wdsale + b6*wndsale
> I appreciate your help
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