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Re: st: RE: Append multiple files from .txt file with "file read"
Sergiy Radyakin <[email protected]>
"[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Re: st: RE: Append multiple files from .txt file with "file read"
Thu, 5 Dec 2013 19:47:56 -0500
On Thu, Dec 5, 2013 at 7:36 PM, Nicole Boyle <[email protected]> wrote:
> Hi David,
> Thanks for your reply. Your rather elegant solution worked perfectly
> for appending the datasets. However, the resulting data are not
> matched 1:1 on ID, an issue which is my fault: It seems that I
> incorrectly chose -append- for adding data horizontally on a 1:1 ID
> match when -merge- is probably the better solution.
> Looking at the help files, -merge- doesn't seem to be able to handle
> multiple files like -append- can. Nor can -append- match 1:1 like
> -merge- can. (Please correct me if I'm wrong)
> Is there a similar solution to the one you presented, but with -merge-?
this will stitch several files together, adding columns from each
subsequent file, all saved files must be sorted by ID. You must start
with IDs in memory.
local flist `"`:dir . files "*.dta"'"'
foreach f of local flist {
merge ID using `"`f'"'
assert _merge==3
drop _merge
sort ID
> Nicole
> On Thu, Dec 5, 2013 at 3:52 PM, Radwin, David <[email protected]> wrote:
>> Nicole,
>> The -append- command lets you add multiple files at once without the
>> need for loops, ancillary text files, etc. Why not just make a local
>> macro of all the Stata files in your directory and then -append- them
>> all at once?
>> local f : dir . files "*.dta"
>> display as result `"`f'"'
>> append using `f'
>> David
>> --
>> David Radwin, Senior Research Associate
>> Education and Workforce Development
>> RTI International
>> 2150 Shattuck Ave. Suite 800, Berkeley, CA 94704
>> Phone: 510-665-8274
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: [email protected] [mailto:owner-
>>> [email protected]] On Behalf Of Nicole Boyle
>>> Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2013 3:30 PM
>>> To: [email protected]
>>> Subject: st: Append multiple files from .txt file with "file read"
>>> Hello all,
>>> First and foremost, I have yet to fully understand how to use macros,
>>> so please forgive me if the solution to this problem is painfully
>>> obvious. I actually hope it's painfully obvious.
>>> I'm trying to combine multiple .dta files (1:1 horizontally appended)
>>> by calling several .dta filenames stored in a .txt file. However, in
>>> the process of doing this, whenever I try to run:
>>> . use `line'
>>> Stata returns the error:
>>> . invalid file specification
>>> Here's the code I'm trying to execute (sourced from here*). To start,
>>> I'm trying to execute this code on a .txt file containing just two
>>> lines (aka: two .dta filenames), but the final file will have 25
>>> lines:
>>> pwd
>>> cd ~/Desktop/merge
>>> ! ls *.dta >filelist.txt
>>> file open myfile using "filelist.txt", read
>>> file read myfile line
>>> use `line' /* ERROR HERE */
>>> save master_data, replace
>>> file read myfile line
>>> while r(eof)==0 {
>>> append using `line'
>>> file read myfile line
>>> }
>>> file close myfile
>>> save master_data, replace
>>> I first thought the problem was that "filelist.txt" wasn't being read.
>>> However, I believe it IS being read, since running the following:
>>> ! ls *.dta >filelist.txt
>>> file open myfile using "filelist.txt", read
>>> file read myfile line
>>> while r(eof)==0 {
>>> display "`=word("`line'",1)'"
>>> file read myfile line
>>> }
>>> only displays the second (but not the first) line of the two-line .txt
>>> file.
>>> Perhaps my issue has something to do with Stata overlooking the first
>>> line of the .txt file? Or perhaps my general macro-incompetence (more
>>> likely)?
>>> Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks so much for your
>>> consideration.
>>> Nicole
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