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st: additional observations when merging data sets

From   Katie Farrin <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: additional observations when merging data sets
Date   Mon, 2 Dec 2013 07:01:14 -0500

Good morning,

I have a general question I was hoping someone would be able to help
with.  I have household data that I would like to merge with
corresponding community level data, and am using a pairwise merge by
community.  I select to keep unmatched data from memory, as my sample
of households does not include all communities surveyed.  However,
when I merge the data I get 50 additional observations and I am not
sure why this is happening (my original data set has 2056 observations
and the merged set has 2106).  If I'm choosing to drop unmatched data
from the new file, what is going on to create additional observations?
Each household should have only one associated community ID.

Thank you!

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