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st: exporting nicely formatted table
Paolo Moncagatta <[email protected]>
statalist <[email protected]>
st: exporting nicely formatted table
Wed, 27 Nov 2013 18:59:25 +0100
Hi everyone,
This is probably a very simple question, but as many times, I think
it's taking me more time than it any help is kindly
I have a dataset that looks like this:
input country str4 attribute imp eval
1 dird 8.10 0.55
1 eqla 8.91 1.36
1 equa 7.44 0.02
1 eutt 5.83 0.61
1 expl 8.67 0.41
2 dird 8.22 0.32
2 eqla 8.87 1.91
2 equa 8.31 1.94
2 eutt 5.03 0.07
2 expl 8.38 1.00
...where the "imp" and "eval" variables are the mean importance and
evaluation score for each "attribute" (I had the original dataset at
the individual level, but I reshaped it to this form). What I want to
produce is a table with the following format: attributes in the first
column, then the next 4 columns divided into two groups (imp and
eval), and each one of these groups divided by country. In the end,
any one row would show, in this order, the attribute label, the imp
score for country 1, the imp score for country2, the eval score for
country 1 and the eval score for country 2.
I know the easiest way around this is to probably copy - paste to
Excel and format the table there, but is there any way to automate
Stata into exporting a nicely formatted table in .rtf with these
characteristics? Thanks in advance for all your help. Best regards,
Paolo Moncagatta
Universitat Pompeu Fabra
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