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st: Generalized maximum entropy logit command

From   Paul Corral <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Generalized maximum entropy logit command
Date   Wed, 27 Nov 2013 10:52:23 -0500


My colleague and I have  developed a generalized maximum entropy
estimation command for discrete choice models for STATA. As we are
close to completing the project, we are interested in submitting our
code to the STATA Journal. We are wondering if there have been prior
submissions of a similar command for STATA. We have searched in the
SSC archive as well as using the findit command and not been able to
find one.

The reference paper for the methodology is:

Golan, Amos, George Judge, and Jeffrey M. Perloff. 1996. "A Maximum
Entropy Approach to Recovering Information From Multinomial Response
Data." Journal of the American Statistical Association no. 91
(434):841-853. doi: 10.2307/2291679.

Thank you in advance for any information you can provide us with.

Kind Regards,

Paul Corral
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