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Re: st: Relative Importance of predictors in regression
Nick Cox <[email protected]>
"[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Re: st: Relative Importance of predictors in regression
Wed, 6 Nov 2013 15:40:22 +0000
As a neutral contribution: added variable plots were mentioned a while back.
This is just a flag that -favplots- (SSC) are a little friendlier than
official Stata's -avplots-.
[email protected]
On 6 November 2013 15:26, Lucas <[email protected]> wrote:
> David M.,
> Thanks for weighing in. Maybe your doing so will help out. Indeed,
> what you say is how I have interpreted this issue in the past.
> Clearly, in some cases (e.g., X and X^2) one cannot hold one variable
> constant and difference the other. In other cases, however, the held
> constant interpretation seems completely reasonable (e.g.,
> E(Y)=b1*YrsSchl+b2*Sex). [Parenthetically, this is structurally the
> same as saying "change is relevant for some models, impossible to
> reference for others"--i.e., content matters.]
> What piqued my interest is David H. indicated he had a mathematical
> expression that would straightforwardly show that "held constant" is
> always wrong. Yet, after asking for it for a couple of days, it still
> has neither been conveyed nor has a citation been provided (well, two
> textbooks were cited, but it was unclear which, if either, had the
> expression or just a differently interpretable derivations). That's
> more than a little disappointing.
> Perhaps someone else has the expression. If so, it'd be great to
> either see it or be pointed to where it can be found.
> Or, perhaps there is no such expression. No disrespect intended.
> But, we cannot accept a claim--or expect our students or clients to
> accept a claim--on the basis of someone saying, "I have the evidence
> here, I just can't show it to you."
> Sam
> On Wed, Nov 6, 2013 at 6:38 AM, David Muller <[email protected]> wrote:
>> I may be misunderstanding or mischaracterising David Hoaglin's
>> problems with the term "holding constant" for describing adjustment
>> for covariates in multiple regression, so forgive me for interjecting
>> if I am off the mark.
>> I think the main issue is that the data used to fit the model won't
>> necessarily support a difference/change in one variable with all other
>> variables held constant. This is trivially the case when, for
>> instance, both x and x^2 are used as predictors. When data are sparse
>> or continuous it is also unlikely that there will be observations that
>> differ on one variable but are _identical_ on all others.
>> Personally, I don't think this is a big deal. If one sees regression
>> coefficients as differences in conditional expectations, then the
>> "held constant" interpretation is just a model-based interpolation or
>> extrapolation. It's up to the person fitting and interpreting the
>> model to justify any such extrapolation.
>> All the best,
>> David Muller
>> On 6 November 2013 01:19, Lucas <[email protected]> wrote:
>>> Dear David,
>>> I am confused. You first write the following (emphasis capitalization added):
>>> "I would add a note of caution, however. Nathans et al. (and many
>>> others) interpret a beta weight (or a regression coefficient more
>>> generally) in a way that involves holding all the other predictor
>>> variables constant. The "held constant" part of that interpretation
>>> is not correct. STRAIGHTFORWARD MATHEMATICS shows that it does not
>>> reflect the way that multiple regression actually works."
>>> In response I wrote:
>>> "What would be the mathematical expression for "held constant"? And
>>> what is the mathematical expression to which you are comparing it that
>>> leads you to reject "held constant"? Thanks a bunch!"
>>> It seemed to me both pieces of information would be necessary for
>>> someone to rule that one is appropriate and the other wrong (or, at
>>> least, it should be demonstrable that the wrong one has no formal
>>> expression). To this David replied:
>>> "I'm not sure what you mean by "the mathematical expression for 'held
>>> constant,'" other than setting each of the other predictors to some
>>> particular value."
>>> This latter reply suggests David and I agree that a mathematical
>>> expression will be an equation--not a derivation. I responded,
>>> writing:
>>> "I presumed you had a mathematical representation of the two
>>> interpretations and could then show that the former is wrong because
>>> the actual regression model is accurately represented by the latter.
>>> However, instead of a formula, you provided more text, which is
>>> necessarily somewhat imprecise."
>>> In that message I introduced a critique of David's use of change when
>>> difference is generally correct--the aim of doing so was to suggest
>>> that maybe we all can cut each other some slack. I had expected David
>>> to just say, "Sure, yeah, that's right, my bad" but David resists this
>>> obvious fact. Okay, fine--it's a general discussion, but he prefers to
>>> use the specific language. Anyway, David does address the request for
>>> a mathematical expression by responding that:
>>> "I do have all the necessary mathematical expressions for the proper
>>> general interpretation. A plain-text message, however, is not
>>> suitable for displaying them. I am not aware of a mathematical
>>> representation of the "held constant" interpretation in the
>>> n-dimensional geometry in which ordinary least squares operates. It
>>> is easy to represent the "held constant" interpretation in the
>>> p-dimensional geometry, but that is not the relevant geometry. The
>>> absence of a representation for the "held constant" interpretation in
>>> the n-dimensional geometry is evidence for its lack of validity. If
>>> you have a suitable representation in mind, I would be interested in
>>> seeing it."
>>> I have not offered a representation because I have not maintained one
>>> is right and the other wrong, so it seems I would not be required to
>>> distinguish two things I am not sure can be distinguished. In an
>>> effort to understand David's point, every response I have written
>>> since has been asking for one simple thing: Where can I find this
>>> point made in n-dimensional geometry?
>>> Other matters are not directly relevant--David won't accept that if
>>> you have 2 terms, one general, and one specific, the general applying
>>> everywhere, the specific applying in a smaller subset, one should use
>>> the general language. Pedagogically and scientifically this seems
>>> obvious. Okay. This just means this is not the ideal speech
>>> community one might have hoped. Still, I ask--which of the two
>>> textbooks David mentioned have the n-dimensional expression David
>>> intimated existed? Do either of them have it? Both? Neither? If
>>> neither, is there another citation to which I (we?) could turn? Just
>>> answering this question with the relevant citation(s) would be
>>> immensely helpful. Of course, it is not your job to be helpful. But
>>> you've made this point several times on statalist, which led me to
>>> think you might want people to get the point. I'm asking for help in
>>> getting the point. Rather than more analogies and your plain text
>>> derivations (which you indicate are intrinsically sub-optimal), a
>>> citation I (and perhaps others) can peruse would be incredibly
>>> helpful.
>>> Again, thanks a bunch!
>>> Sam
>>> On Tue, Nov 5, 2013 at 9:26 AM, David Hoaglin <[email protected]> wrote:
>>>> Dear Sam,
>>>> It would help communication if you explained, as specifically as
>>>> possible, what sort of "mathematical expression" you are looking for.
>>>> The material in my previous message that you reject as a "mathematical
>>>> manipulation" needs only one further step, involving straightforward
>>>> algebra: In the result of regressing the Y-residuals on the
>>>> X2-residuals, multiply out the right-hand side, rearrange the equation
>>>> to leave only Y on the left-hand side, and compare the result term by
>>>> term against the original model. Since the adjustments for the
>>>> contributions of the other predictors are shown explicitly, the
>>>> interpretation of b2 is clear. Please explain how you would interpret
>>>> the demonstration differently.
>>>> The fact that regression coefficients are a type of slope does not
>>>> provide any basis for the "held constant" interpretation. I do not
>>>> see the connection between a regression model and your analogy of the
>>>> position of two people on a hill. Please explain further.
>>>> When you said that I "retain one mis-interpretation of the regression
>>>> model that is extremely elementary and easily corrected," I assume you
>>>> are referring to the distinction that you make between "change" and
>>>> "difference." I explained earlier that I would use words appropriate
>>>> to the particular context and application, so I am not making any
>>>> mis-interpretation.
>>>> I remind you that you have not offered any mathematical expression for
>>>> the "held constant" interpretation.
>>>> Regards,
>>>> David Hoaglin
>>>> On Tue, Nov 5, 2013 at 9:37 AM, Lucas <[email protected]> wrote:
>>>>> Hi David,
>>>>> I am looking for the mathematical expression you indicated would make
>>>>> it clear which interpretation is correct. The mathematical
>>>>> manipulation isn't very helpful, because someone who interprets the
>>>>> issue differently than you do before can interpret this demonstration
>>>>> differently than you do. So, do either of those books have the
>>>>> mathematical expression you mentioned? If so, I'll check it out.
>>>>> On change vs. difference, discrete things change or do not, and
>>>>> non-discrete things change or do not. The distinction between "change
>>>>> and difference" is orthogonal to the distinction between "discrete and
>>>>> non-discrete."
>>>>> Indeed, the analogy you deploy to support the change interpretation,
>>>>> using slopes and hills, is one reason people say "held constant." The
>>>>> difference (slope) between my height on the hill and Joe's height on
>>>>> the hill is distinct from (and independently estimable given) our
>>>>> horizontal placement on the hill. Horizontal placement, thus, is "held
>>>>> constant." If this is incorrect, it shows why analogies are less
>>>>> helpful than mathematical expressions. Thus, my request for the
>>>>> mathematical expression you indicated was available.
>>>>> I do not understand why you retain one mis-interpretation of the
>>>>> regression model that is extremely elementary and easily corrected,
>>>>> but are adamant that everyone else is wrong if they use (what you
>>>>> call) another mis-interpretation of the model, a mis-interpretation
>>>>> that 1)can be shown with straightforward mathematical expressions but
>>>>> then 2)seems so complex that it cannot be written in plain text.
>>>>> Anyway, please let me know which of those textbooks have the
>>>>> mathematical expression you referenced earlier. I'll pull it from the
>>>>> library and take a look
>>>>> Thanks!
>>>>> Sam
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