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st: Is it possible to specify a baseline category without -xi:-

From   Tim Evans <[email protected]>
To   "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>
Subject   st: Is it possible to specify a baseline category without -xi:-
Date   Fri, 2 Dec 2011 15:00:22 +0000


I'm running the following logistic regression model (Stata 11.2):

logistic firstcentrespec2 i.dep i.age

Dep is deprivation quintile. Currently the baseline is 1 (Most deprived) (in the range 1-5), but what I really want is 5(Most affluent) to be the baseline. I tried the following code to achieve this:

char dep[omit] 5
logistic firstcentrespec2 i.dep i.age

However, the baseline still remains 1. If I do this though, I can get the right baseline:

xi: logistic firstcentrespec2 i.dep i.age

The problem is that I cant generate the baseline category when using -parmest- ( a user written package - Roger Newson I believe), which I can when I don't use -xi-.
Does anyone have any ideas how I can specify the baseline without using -xi- in my code? (I guess one crude way would be to recode 5 to 1).

Best wishes

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