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st: RE: Removing multiple files in a directory - clean-up
Tim Evans <[email protected]>
"'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>
st: RE: Removing multiple files in a directory - clean-up
Fri, 2 Dec 2011 10:54:55 +0000
Hi all,
Actually, think I may have solved this myself using the following (though happy to learn of a neater way if it exists):
local workdir "C:\test1\analysis"
cd `workdir'
local datafiles: dir "`workdir'" files "*.dta"
foreach datafile of local datafiles {
rm `datafile'
Best wishes
-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Tim Evans
Sent: 02 December 2011 10:02
To: '[email protected]'
Subject: st: Removing multiple files in a directory - clean-up
I am using Stata 11.2 and am looking for a routine that will look for all of the .dta files in my specified directory and remove them once I have completed my analysis as a clean-up exercise.
I am using the code below after I have run my regression analysis, to list and combine my datafiles created following the regression analysis, but I cant seem to find out how I can remove all of the unwanted .dta files after I have exported the master analysis as a .csv file. This is important as I will then go on to use the code below after another set of regressions saved in the same directory, and I don't want to combine regression results from different sets of analysis. Is there a way I can amend the code below to remove all the files:
cd c:\test1
! dir *.dta /a-d /b >c:\test1\filelist.txt
file open myfile using c:\test1\filelist.txt, read
file read myfile line
use `line'
save master_data, replace
file read myfile line
while r(eof)==0 { /* while you're not at the end of the file */
append using `line'
file read myfile line
file close myfile
sort label2 analysis
rename estimate odds_ratio
drop order axis
order label2 analysis odds_ratio min95 max95 stderr z p flag parm
save master_data, replace
rm c:\test1\filelist.txt
outsheet using C:\test1\results\Section1.csv,c replace
Best wishes
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