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st: RE: Re: Stata question

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>, "Nils Kok" <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: Re: Stata question
Date   Tue, 15 Jan 2008 13:24:00 -0000

Thanks to Maarten for sending this good advice. I have two marginal 

1. Just for the record, ome possible interpretation of this is that my 
-distplot- is a rewrite of -cdf-. As it happens, they arose

-distplot- on the whole can do more things, but -cdf- has an option 
for plotting cumulative Gaussians that is not matched by -distplot-. 

2. Although -cdf- has not been updated to support the new graphics, a
program -cdfplot- on SSC by Adrian Mander is, in effect if not in name,
precisely that update. If the option above was important to you, use
-cdfplot- rather than -cdf-. 

[email protected] 

Maarten buis

-cdf- is an old program and uses graph programs from before Stata 8
which do not work in the same way as the graphs work now (see -help
gr7- for a describtion). So there is no way to make -cdf- work with
schemes, unless you want to rewrite the program. Fortunately that is
not necessary as Nick Cox has already done that for you in the
-distplot- program. To install type -findit distplot- choose the latest
version and install.

Nils Kok <[email protected]> wrote:

> > > I use the lean2 scheme for my graphs, but this does not work when
> > > plotting a cdf graph (it appears in colors and with a different
> > > font). How can I  change the color scheme?

Maarten Buis
> > What exact command are you using to create a cdf graph?

Nils Kok 

> I'm using -cdf [var]-

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