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Re: st: clinical trials

From   Jeph Herrin <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: clinical trials
Date   Fri, 04 Jan 2008 08:17:05 -0500

On reflection, I realize the reason I started using Stata
in the first place is that back in the early 90s the Health
Care Finance Administration (HCFA), which managed Medicare
(US national health insurance for elderly) data at the time,
was a Stata shop - they distributed analytic Medicare files
in Stata format only. That policy has since changed to SAS,
but I have not...

Jeph Herrin
Yale University

David Airey wrote:

Does anyone on the list use Stata for clinical trials analysis? I get the impression companies that specialize in this field use SAS almost exclusively. From what I know of Stata's feature set, I don't think this is because Stata cannot be use to perform analysis of clinical trials data. SAS certainly pushes this area of use with SAS, and they have several SAS published how-to texts.

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