Note that use of the -egen- function -nvals()-
depends on prior installation of the -egenmore-
package from SSC.
[email protected]
Michael Blasnik
> There are a couple of approaches you could take, but I think
> using egen
> nvals is the best bet.
> sort subarea
> by subarea: egen nyears=nvals(year)
> keep if nyears>=13
> sort subarea
> by subarea: egen firstfive=nvals(year) if year<=5
> by subarea: egen lastfive=nvals(year) if year>21
> * fill out missing values within subarea
> bysort subarea (firstfive): replace firstfive=firstfive[1]
> bysort subarea (lastfive): replace lastfive=lastfive[1]
> keep if firstfive>=2 & lastfive>=2
> drop nyears firstfive lastfive
Jennifer Devine
> > Can someone please set me in the right direction for coding
> a program to
> > count and eliminate data if it doesn't meet a certain criteria?
> >
> > I have survey data taken over 26 years and the survey area
> is divided
> > into subareas. I want to only include a subarea if data was
> collected 13
> > years out of the 26 and data must have been collected 2
> years of the first
> > 5 years and 2 years of the last 5 years. If the subarea
> does not meet that
> > criteria, I want Stata to drop that subarea from the
> analysis. At the
> > moment, I'm having to look at everything individually and
> it takes several
> > days to eliminate subareas.
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