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Re: st: Overwritten?
Nick Cox <[email protected]>
"[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Re: st: Overwritten?
Tue, 31 Dec 2013 02:05:53 +0000
Side details first:
A convention suggested for Statalist is to use notation such as -foo-
to flag names of commands, variables, etc. as used in Stata. That way,
for example, the word
is to be understood as just ordinary English but the word
is easy to spot as something that could be typed in Stata.
A convention is just that, but I like the Statalist convention, and
have often commended it. The different convention you're introducing
here of using -FOO instead does not strike me as a good one, if only
for the reason that upper case is usually not idiomatic Stata, but
that's a personal view.
For the record, -sroot- here is from Stata Journal 9(3) 2009.
The nub of the matter I think is this. The program -srootfix- by
Sergiy Radyakin -preserve-s your original data, does some work and
when it's done -restore-s the original data. Thus it's futile adding
new variables to the dataset after -preserve-, as they will just
disappear at the -restore-. The -restore- is not explicit in the code,
but it's automatic given the -preserve-. The fact that -preserve-
requires a -restore- for the fix you originally asked for is explicit
Short of fixing a clone of -sroot- properly so that you don't need a
work-around, or asking the original author to do that for you, it
seems that you would need to -save- the dataset you create each time
and then -append- them all.
Fixing this properly is the better solution, as then your overall
problem should yield to -statsby-.
[email protected]
On 30 December 2013 21:59, Francis, Richard N <[email protected]> wrote:
> Have an option within a called program -SROOTFIX which generates residuals for a regression command.
> However, the variable containing the residuals -RES is absent.
> The called program -SROOTFIX actually calls another program -SROOT.
> Separate execution of -SROOT retains the residuals variable -RES, which suggests that something within the -SROOTFIX pgm overwrites the residuals variable -RES.
> The master program is as follows:
> forval i = 1/`limit' {
> display "Iteration of `i' of `limit"
> replace which = "`: label (id) `i''" in `i'
> srootfix fcf if id == `i' , residuals(res)
> qui foreach v in Z14 Z24 Z34 Z4t Z3t Z2t Z1t {
> replace `v' = r(`v') in `i'
> }
> }
> I have executed the program with the -replace command.
> However, the residuals variable -RES continues to be absent.
> The contents of -SROOTFIX are as follows:
> *! By Sergiy Radyakin, 2013
> *! Fixes problem of -if- modifier [suspected] not working in public (SJ) version of -sroot-.
> ** See
> program define srootfix
> version 9.2
> syntax varname(ts) [if] [in] ,[*]
> preserve
> marksample touse
> keep if `touse'
> sroot `varlist' , `options'
> end
> ** end of file **
> Any ideas for the absence of the residuals variable -RES are greatly appreciated.
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