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RE: st: Catplot for three variables on same graph

From   Almazea Fatima <[email protected]>
To   "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Subject   RE: st: Catplot for three variables on same graph
Date   Sat, 28 Dec 2013 18:38:32 +0000

Hi Nick
Thank you for your response.
Yes, you are right I am facing problem for reshaping data.
I can't use 
catplot education region urban
because I don't want stata to use "over" o "by" option, I want to plot all three variables by their own categories while using above command will plot education BY region and urban.

I know the solution is to Reshape, but how should I modify the values of labels for each var so that when they are reshaped in from wide to long they have unique values to be identified?
Can you help me on this?


From: [email protected] [[email protected]] on behalf of Nick Cox [[email protected]]
Sent: Sunday, 29 December 2013 5:26 AM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: st: Catplot for three variables on same graph


Your question here appears to centre on how to get your data in shape
for a graph, not the details of using -catplot- (a user-written
command from SSC, as you are asked to explain).

But t's not obvious that you need to -reshape- at all.

catplot education region urban

is but one of several legal commands, with modifications for your
exact variable names.

[email protected]

On 28 December 2013 17:17, Almazea Fatima <[email protected]> wrote:

> I have three category variables with following value labels
> Education:   1 ==yes 2== No
> Region: Punjab==0 Sindh==1 KPK==2 Balochistan==3
> urban: urban==0 rural==1
> I followed following suggestions by Nick
> Here's the flavour of a -reshape- solution
>> sysuse auto , clear
>> local lab1 "`: var label foreign'"
>> local lab2 "`: var label rep78'"
>> rename (foreign rep78) (catforeign catrep78)
>> reshape long cat , i(make) string
>> replace _j = "`lab1'" if _j == "foreign"
>> replace _j = "`lab2'" if _j == "rep78"
>> catplot cat _j , percent(_j) nofill recast(bar)
>> Nick
>> [email protected]
> I am facing a problem in plotting graph because when I reshape, value labels for education and region disappear and there is only rural urban in "cat" variable along with some numbers. I guess I have to rework value labels and put some unique values, Even I tried this but still not working.
> Have any body idea, what mistake I am doing and what is solution?

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