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Re: st: Making permutations of dyads
Robert Picard <[email protected]>
"[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Re: st: Making permutations of dyads
Thu, 19 Dec 2013 17:50:31 -0500
Here are a few more ways to do this. Scott's solution is equivalent to
using -joinby-.
For time bands (I assume this means a running window of 5 minutes),
then -cross- can be used to create all pairwise combinations and drop
those that do not fall within the time constraint. This is a brute
force approach that may quickly become unmanageable if there are too
many observations.
If there are only a few dyads expected to fall within the window of
time, then a loop approach may be more efficient.
* --------------------------- begin example -------------
input id str4 time block
1 "8:00" 1
2 "8:02" 1
3 "8:02" 1
4 "8:04" 1
5 "8:06" 2
6 "8:07" 2
7 "8:09" 2
* to be able to do time arithmetic using milliseconds
gen double dtime = clock("2013.12.19"+time,"YMDhm")
format %tc dtime
tempfile f
save "`f'"
* the -joinby- approach
rename id id2
joinby block using "`f'"
keep if id < id2
sort id id2
list id id2, noobs sepby(id)
* the -cross- approach with "time bands"
use "`f'", clear
rename * *2
cross using "`f'"
keep if id < id2 & inrange(dtime2-dtime,0,5*60000-1)
sort id id2
list id id2, noobs sepby(id)
* loop over forward observations until no more cases
* are found within the window of time.
use "`f'", clear
isid dtime id, sort
local i 0
local more 1
while `more' {
local ++i
gen did`i' = id[_n+`i'] if ///
count if !mi(did`i')
local more = r(N)
reshape long did, i(id) j(n)
drop if mi(did)
sort id did
list id did, noobs sepby(id)
* --------------------------- end example ----------------
On Thu, Dec 19, 2013 at 4:17 PM, Scott Merryman
<[email protected]> wrote:
> adapted from John-Paul Ferguson's -dyads- (-ssc desc dyads- for more
> info).
> clear
> input id str4 time block
> 1 "8:00" 1
> 2 "8:02" 1
> 3 "8:02" 1
> 4 "8:04" 1
> 5 "8:06" 2
> 6 "8:07" 2
> 7 "8:09" 2
> end
> bys block: generate dim = _N
> expand dim
> sort block id
> by block id: generate column = _n
> by block :generate id_d = id[_n+column*dim]
> drop if mi(id_d)
> drop dim column
> gen dyad = string(id)+ string(id_d)
> order id id_d
> l
> Scott
> On Thu, Dec 19, 2013 at 2:10 PM, Douglas Levy
> <[email protected]> wrote:
>> Actually, to correct my initial post, I'd be interested in
>> *combinations* not *permutations*. So to restate and revise:
>> ID time 5m_block
>> 1 8:00 1
>> 2 8:02 1
>> 3 8:02 1
>> 4 8:04 1
>> 5 8:06 2
>> 6 8:07 2
>> 7 8:09 2
>> For 5 minute time blocks, I'd want to output a dataset that looks like this:
>> Dyad
>> 12
>> 13
>> 14
>> 23
>> 24
>> 34
>> 56
>> 57
>> 67
> *
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