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st: Unexpected syntax error in a graphics command

From   Sergiy Radyakin <[email protected]>
To   "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Subject   st: Unexpected syntax error in a graphics command
Date   Mon, 16 Dec 2013 20:42:19 -0500

Use of commas to switch back and forth between the command and options
has been discussed before:

Here is an example which relies on this mechanism, but although the
two commands are seemingly identical, the second is producing a syntax


It seems that Stata is sensitive to the a placement of a whitespace in
graphics commands.

(Stata 9.2-13.1 for Windows).

My understanding is that everywhere where a comma is permitted, a
space-and-comma may be used instead. For example, -list- cooperates :
list in 1/10, clean, if price>4000
list in 1/10, clean , if price>4000

If there are any other exceptions from this rule (besides the
demonstrated graphics command), I'd like to know. (this is important
for in-program code generation).

   Sergiy Radyakin
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