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Re: st: From: Ivica Rubil <[email protected]>

From   Ivica Rubil <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: From: Ivica Rubil <[email protected]>
Date   Sun, 15 Dec 2013 00:26:37 +0100

Darcy, at work I have a network Stata 13. Do you think this applies to
the network version as well?


On Sat, Dec 14, 2013 at 7:03 PM, Darcy Hannibal <[email protected]> wrote:
> If the version you have at work is a perpetual license, you should be able
> to install it on your home system as well as long as you are only using it
> on one computer at a time. Check with STATA corp if you're not sure, but
> there was a clear statement on the license I purchased through work that it
> could be stalled on two systems for the user as long as it is only open on
> one.
> On 12/14/2013 7:54 AM, Richard Williams wrote:
>> Get -use13- from SSC. And/or get in the habit of saving Stata 13 files
>> using the -saveold- command. I am a big fan of the stat/transfer program,
>> although it isn't worth it if this is the only thing you would use it for.
>> At 10:32 AM 12/14/2013, [email protected] wrote:
>>> Dear all,
>>> I have a problem with -use-. At my workplace I have Stata 13 SE, and
>>> at home I have Stata 11.2 SE. There is a .dta file which I modified
>>> last time yesterday in Stata 13. But when I try to use it at home in
>>> Stata 11.2 SE, I get the following error message:
>>> file G:\DOKTORSKI\poverty\elasticities\data.dta not Stata format
>>> r(610);
>>> I have checked file properties and it is written there that the file
>>> is indeed a .dta file. All other .dta files work properly with -use-.
>>> The situation confused me since I have never had similar problem.
>>> Does anybody have a clue about what may be going on? And how to proceed?
>>> Thank you.
>>> Ivica
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>> -------------------------------------------
>> Richard Williams, Notre Dame Dept of Sociology
>> OFFICE: (574)631-6668, (574)631-6463
>> HOME:   (574)289-5227
>> EMAIL:  [email protected]
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Ivica Rubil
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