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st: Issue with psmatch2

From   Amadou DIALLO <[email protected]>
To   statalist <[email protected]>
Subject   st: Issue with psmatch2
Date   Thu, 12 Dec 2013 14:49:05 +0100

I am having trouble with psmatch2.

. psmatch2 Treatment Test1 Male Res_dep, outcome(Test2)

Probit regression                                 Number of obs   =         22
                                                  LR chi2(3)      =       2.94
                                                  Prob > chi2     =     0.4008
Log likelihood = -13.687694                       Pseudo R2       =     0.0970

   Treatment |      Coef.   Std. Err.      z    P>|z|     [95% Conf. Interval]
       Test1 |  -.1986892   .2724534    -0.73   0.466     -.732688    .3353096
        Male |   .5929837   .6528513     0.91   0.364    -.6865813    1.872549
    Res_dept |   1.392754   .9005725     1.55   0.122    -.3723361    3.157843
       _cons |   .0514229   .8150437     0.06   0.950    -1.546033    1.648879
There are observations with identical propensity score values.
The sort order of the data could affect your results.
Make sure that the sort order is random before calling psmatch2.
unrecognized command

end of do-file


The error is occurring here with the plugin command:

  - plugin call _Match_neighbor _treated _support _pscore _weight
`idlist' _n1 _nn _id `i
> smatch' $OUTVAR `moutvar', 1 $N_control `i' $N_total `neighbor' `caliper' `noreplace' `
> ties'
  = plugin call _Match_neighbor _treated _support _pscore _weight
__000004 _n1 _nn _id __
> 000005 Test2 _Test2, 1 10 11 22 1 0 0 0
unrecognized command
    qui replace _support = 0 if _n1>=. & _treated==1

Amadou B. DIALLO, PhD.
Senior Economist, AfDB.
[email protected]
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