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Re: st: Multiplicative Functions in Stata
Nick Cox <[email protected]>
"[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Re: st: Multiplicative Functions in Stata
Sat, 30 Nov 2013 10:33:12 +0000
You don't say why you want to "input" this to Stata. My best guess is
that you want to fit this model, for which you need -nl-.
Looking at
the reciprocation is easier to write as a division. Stata has its own
meanings for square brackets, which should become parentheses
Multiplications must all be explicit
and the sum will need to be spelled out (e.g.)
(a + X^b + Y^c + Z^d)/(1 + exp(u - s1 * T1 - s2 * T2 - s3 *T3 - n*M))
I will stop there. The -nl- manual entry says more, especially about
the brace notation to indicate parameters.
-nl- often needs good initial estimates of the parameters to converge
at all, as is characteristic of the genre.
[email protected]
On 30 November 2013 02:57, Justin Hustrulid <[email protected]> wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a damage abatement model I've seen in an article that I'm trying to
> replicate, but I'm not quite sure how to input it into Stata. I'm using
> Stata 12 SE for Windows.
> Here's the function:
> Y=F(Z)G(X)
> Y=(a+X^b+Y^c+Z^d)[1+exp(u-sum(siTi)-nM)]^(-1)
> I hope its clear, as I had to retype it since the original was in html.
> X,Y, Z, T, and M are independent variables, while the lower case letters
> are parameters to be estimated. i is an index, but I can't get it to be
> subscript without statalist bouncing the email back to me. The first part
> is a straightforward log-log Cobb-Douglass function, but
> I'm not sure how to do the part in brackets or how to multiply them
> together to get Y. I'm also unsure of whether both parts are done at the
> same time or in separate regressions. The article says the G(X) part is
> logistic. I'm fairly new to Stata and econometrics in general so any help
> in making this regression work would be greatly appreciated. I hope I can
> learn a lot from statalist.
> Thanks,
> Justin
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