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Re: st: Duplicate variable only if a previous variable has a certain value

From   David de Jong <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: Duplicate variable only if a previous variable has a certain value
Date   Fri, 29 Nov 2013 18:57:04 -0500


Your solution much more sensible and worked like a charm. The general
approach will be also be helpful to me in the future.

Thanks so much!

David C. de Jong, MA
Department of Clinical and Social Sciences in Psychology
University of Rochester
214 Meliora Hall
Rochester, NY 14627

On Fri, Nov 29, 2013 at 6:40 PM, Nick Cox <[email protected]> wrote:
> The syntax for -generate- always starts
> generate newvar = ...
> where newvar is a new variable name.
> You are expecting Stata to evaluate the expression you give and use it
> as the new variable name. For that you need the extra scaffolding of
> `=  '
> generate `=subinstr(`v',"_w_sub400","corr",1)'  = ...
> But this would be more Stataish and easier to read:
> qui forval j = 21/164 {
>     gen rt`j'corr = rt`j'_w_sub400  if correct`j'int == 0
> }
> Think: what are the variable elements, what are the constant elements?
> And cycle over the variable elements along.
> Nick
> [email protected]
> On 29 November 2013 23:27, David de Jong <[email protected]> wrote:
>> I'm trying to duplicate a set of variables (response times for a set
>> of trials) so that the original value is reproduced only if the trial
>> response was correct (which is indicated by an earlier set of
>> variables). If the trial response was incorrect the duplicated
>> variable should be missing.
>> Trials are numbered 21-164. Whether the trial was correct is stored in
>> variables correct21int-correct164int (0=correct, 1=incorrect, byte).
>> Response times are stored in variables rt21_w_sub400-rt164_w_sub400
>> (float).
>> So, for trial 21, I want to create a new variable called rt21corr that
>> is equal to rt21_w_sub400 if correct21int equals 0.
>> I've tried to do this with the following loop:
>> qui foreach v of var rt21_w_sub400-rt164_w_sub400 {
>> generate subinstr(`v',"_w_sub400","corr",1) = `v' if
>> subinstr(subinstr(`v',"_w_sub400","int",1),"rt","correct","1") == 0
>> }
>> In case -substr- wanted all of its constituent parts in quotes I tried this:
>> qui foreach v of var rt21_w_sub400-rt164_w_sub400 {
>> generate subinstr("`v'","_w_sub400","corr",1) = `v' if
>> subinstr("subinstr("`v'","_w_sub400","int",1)","rt","correct","1") ==
>> 0
>> }
>> Both of these return the error message:
>> ( invalid name
>> Can anyone help me figure out how to make this syntax work, or, if
>> there is a more elegant way to do what I hope to do.
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