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Re: st: Storing error messages as local macros
Kenneth Shores <[email protected]>
[email protected]
Re: st: Storing error messages as local macros
Tue, 26 Nov 2013 17:20:38 -0800
Thanks to both! Sarah, your code worked beautifully. I did not know of
On Tue, Nov 26, 2013 at 5:10 PM, Nick Cox <[email protected]> wrote:
> Sarah's helpful advice reminds me that I once wrote a helper program
> -isvar-, which is on SSC.
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> help for isvar
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Filter names into variable names and others
> isvar possiblevarlist
> Description
> isvar takes a list of names that might name variables in your
> dataset and filters it into a list
> of those names that are indeed variable names and a list of the others.
> One application of isvar arises when you are moving between
> similar datasets, especially if they
> are large, but are not sure which variables are defined in which
> dataset. Commands such as
> describe would fail at the first name not in fact a variable name.
> isvar offers a more direct way
> to establish existence or non-existence of several possible variables.
> Saved results
> r(varlist) names of variables in current dataset
> r(badlist) names that do not correspond to variables in current dataset
> Examples
> . isvar mpg rep78 rep77
> . local OKlist "`r(varlist)'"
> . su `OKlist'
> Author
> Nicholas J. Cox, Durham University, U.K.
> [email protected]
> Acknowledgements
> This problem was suggested by Amadou Diallo.
> Also see
> Online: help for describe; unab
> Nick
> [email protected]
> On 27 November 2013 00:48, Sarah Edgington <[email protected]> wrote:
>> Kenneth,
>> I've used -desc, varlist- for similar tasks where I have multiple files with
>> different permutations of the variables.
>> One way to do this is something like:
>> desc, varlist
>> **create a macro with a space before and after the varlist so you can always
>> match on space[varname]space
>> **otherwise you might have to worry about vars that match substrings of
>> other vars
>> local indata " `r(varlist)' "
>> **you're probably embedding this in another loop so reset the local keeplist
>> in case it isn't empty
>> local keeplist ""
>> foreach keepvar in schoolid distid math read language {
>> **for each variable in your list, cycle through and check that it's
>> in the variable list.
>> **if it is, add it to a keeplist macro
>> if strmatch("`indata'","* `keepvar' *") local keeplist "`keeplist'
>> `keepvar'"
>> }
>> keep `keeplist'
>> There are probably more elegant solutions but this does get around the issue
>> of having to parse the error messages.
>> -Sarah
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: [email protected]
>> [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Nick Cox
>> Sent: Tuesday, November 26, 2013 4:15 PM
>> To: [email protected]
>> Subject: Re: st: Storing error messages as local macros
>> Interesting question. I don't know a way to store the error message.
>> What you can do is store the code and replay the message at any later time.
>> For example -error 198- replays the message for 198, regardless of whether
>> was the last error.
>> The commands
>> local rc = _rc
>> if `rc' != 0 <whatever>
>> can be compressed to
>> if _rc != 0 <whatever>
>> and indeed to
>> if _rc <whatever>
>> but it remains true that you would need to store non-zero error codes for
>> later use as _rc contains only a code for the last command issued.
>> Nick
>> [email protected]
>> On 26 November 2013 23:39, Kenneth Shores <[email protected]>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi stata list-serve:
>>> Here is a question I have not seen asked. I am importing a large
>>> number of datasets, keeping variables that I want, doing a number of
>>> reshapes and saving the dataset.
>>> In each of the datasets, there are core variables that are common
>>> across all datasets. However, there are additional variables that I
>>> want that are not common to all datasets. For example, in dataset i,
>>> there is a school identifier, district identifer, reading, language
>>> and math scores. In dataset j, there is a school identifier, district
>>> identifier, reading, and math scores.
>>> The first command I wish to run is "keep schoolid distid read math
>> language"
>>> This will return an error when I try to bring up dataset j.
>>> The alternative I use is:
>>> cap keep schoolid distid read math language loc rc = _rc if `rc' != 0
>>> keep schoolid distid read math
>>> This works, insofar as all datasets look like i and j. However,
>>> dataset k has schoolid, read, and math. Now the new keep command
>>> breaks.
>>> There are many different permutations of this. Moreover, there are 300
>>> datasets and programming a specific keep command for each one will be
>>> time consuming (there are also more than 5 variables that I want).
>>> It seems that I could make use of the error message itself in these
>>> cases. Because the error message informs me about what vars are not
>>> found, I could store those not found vars in a local macro. The final
>>> code would then be something like this:
>>> local keepvars "schoolid distid math read language"
>>> cap keep `keepvars'
>>> [store error message, parse "vars not found portion"] loc rc = _rc if
>>> `rc'!=0 loc keepvarsalt: subinstr local keepvars "`[parsed error
>>> message]'" ""
>>> keep `keepvarsalt'
>>> this would be very flexible and would make use of the specificity of
>>> the Stata error message. However, I cannot find any way to store the
>>> error message text. Is it not possible? And if not, are there
>>> solutions to this problem that others are aware of.
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