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st: updated package -binscatter- available in SSC

From   Michael Stepner <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: updated package -binscatter- available in SSC
Date   Sun, 24 Nov 2013 21:10:26 -0500

-binscatter- has been updated in the SSC, with thanks to Kit Baum.

binscatter is a Stata routine which draws binned scatterplots,
providing a non-parametric method for visualizing the relationship
between two variables.  It groups an x-axis variable into equal-sized
bins, computes the mean of the x-axis and y-axis variables within each
bin, then creates a scatterplot of these data points.  The result is a
non-parametric visualization of the conditional expectation function.

This update (version 7.02) has two changes:

1. There was a bug introduced in version 7.00 (on October 12), causing
binscatter to ignore weights when computing the mean within each bin.
It was plotting scatterpoints corresponding to the unweighted mean rather
than the weighted mean.  (All other operations correctly used any
specified weights.) That bug has been fixed. I am grateful to John
Coglianese for spotting and reporting the issue.

2. A new option has been introduced, "medians", which creates the binned
scatterplot using the median x- and y-value within each bin rather
than the mean.  Thank you to Jörg Paetzold for suggesting it.

If you've already installed binscatter, you can update it by running
-adoupdate-.  To install it for the first time, run -ssc install


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