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Re: st: RE: ploting self-computed odd ratios and the 95%CI
Carlos Avellaneda Suárez <[email protected]>
[email protected]
Re: st: RE: ploting self-computed odd ratios and the 95%CI
Thu, 21 Nov 2013 08:17:09 -0500
The error arises when you identify different months with the same
values. For example, January, June and July are all identified by the
letter J and, thus, the number 1. Here is an example to correct that:
input str5 month point min95 max95
month point min95 max95
1. J 1.03 0.93 1.15
2. F 1.04 0.93 1.17
3. M 1.16 1.05 1.28
4. A 1.12 1.02 1.12
5. MY 1.16 1.05 1.28
6. JN 1 0.93 1.15
7. JL 0.98 0.88 1.09
8. AG 0.86 0.77 0.96
9. S 0.93 0.84 1.04
10. O 0.9 0.8 1
11. N 0.89 0.8 0.99
12. D 0.93 0.83 1.03
13. end
. sencode month, replace
eclplot point min95 max95 month, hori ylabel(1 "J" 2 "F" 3 "M" 4 "A" 5
"MY" 6 "JN" 7 "JL" 8 "AG" 9 "S" 10 "O" 11 "N" 12 "D")
Hope this helps.
Best regards,
2013/11/21 PAPANIKOLAOU P. <[email protected]>:
> Dear Lover
> Thank you very much for making the time and lending me your expertise to
> provide me with the script how to plot the OR and its 95CI.
> Whilst I follow your script adjusted to my data, unfortunately, STATA
> does not produce the right graph that it should, as it did with your
> example.
> For one reason or another, it puts a few cases (probably 4)to the wrong
> month so that there are no observations between September and December
> i.e., these observation appear elsewhere.
> Could you please be so kind as to advise me how best to resolve this
> issue I would be most appreciative.
> Thank you ever so much.
> I appreciate your input.
> . input str5 month point min95 max95
> month point min95 max95
> 1. J 1.03 0.93 1.15
> 2. F 1.04 0.93 1.17
> 3. M 1.16 1.05 1.28
> 4. A 1.12 1.02 1.12
> 5. M 1.16 1.05 1.28
> 6. J 1 0.93 1.15
> 7. J 0.98 0.88 1.09
> 8. A 0.86 0.77 0.96
> 9. S 0.93 0.84 1.04
> 10. O 0.9 0.8 1
> 11. N 0.89 0.8 0.99
> 12. D 0.93 0.83 1.03
> 13. end
> . sencode month, replace
> . ecplot point min95 max95 month, hori ylabel(1 "J" 2 "F" 3 "M" 4 "A" 5
> "M" 6 "J" 7 "J" 8 "A" 9 "S" 10 "O" 11 "N" 12 "D")
> unrecognized command: ecplot
> r(199);
> . eclplot point min95 max95 month, hori ylabel(1 "J" 2 "F" 3 "M" 4 "A" 5
> "M" 6 "J" 7 "J" 8 "A" 9 "S" 10 "O" 11 "N" 12 "D")
> . eclplot point min95 max95 month, xlabel(1 "J" 2 "F" 3 "M" 4 "A" 5 "M"
> 6 "J" 7 "J" 8 "A" 9 "S" 10 "O" 11 "N" 12 "D")
> . eclplot point min95 max95 month, xlabel(1 "Jan" 2 "Feb" 3 "Mar" 4
> "Apr" 5 "May" 6 "Jun" 7 "Jul" 8 "Aug" 9 "Sep" 10 "Oct" 11 "Nov" 12
> "Dec")
> . rename point OR
> . eclplot OR min95 max95 month, xlabel(1 "Jan" 2 "Feb" 3 "Mar" 4 "Apr" 5
> "May" 6 "Jun" 7 "Jul" 8 "Aug" 9 "Sep" 10 "Oct" 11 "Nov" 12 "Dec")
> Kind regards
> Panos
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [email protected]
> [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of
> [email protected]
> Sent: 16 November 2013 09:04
> To: Statalist
> Subject: st: re. ploting self-computed odd ratios and the 95%CI
> Panos asks how to plot point estimates and 95% CIs; there's a package
> for that:
> ******** start example ********
> ssc install eclplot
> sc install sencode
> clear all
> input str15 month point min95 max95
> 1Jan 10 12 14
> 2Feb 20 17 23
> 3Mar 30 25 35
> end
> sencode month, replace
> eclplot point min95 max95 month, ///
> xlabel(1 "Jan" 2"Feb" 3 "Mar")
> eclplot point min95 max95 month, hori ///
> ylabel(1 "Jan" 2"Feb" 3 "Mar")
> exit
> ******** end example ********
> Formatting data for usage can also be done in other ways (see
> -eclplot- helpfile).
> Cheers-
> Andrew Lover
> ______________________________________________
> Epidemiologist
> Centre for Infectious Disease Epidemiology Research (CIDER) Saw Swee
> Hock School of Public Health National University of Singapore
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