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Re: st: specifying the nested design for xtmelogit
Alfonso Sanchez-Penalver <[email protected]>
"[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Re: st: specifying the nested design for xtmelogit
Wed, 6 Nov 2013 18:02:08 -0500
Hi Dana,
My first impression is that your specification would lead to biased estimates because there are bound to be crossed effects between the firms' effects and the industry effects. I wanted to check my Rabe-Hesketh, Skondral book of Multilevel and Longitudinal Modeling Using Stata (Stata Press) to suggest an appropriate specification but it is at home and I won't get out of the university until late at night.
I'll check on this later and get back to you if no-one else has done so before.
Alfonso Sanchez-Penalver
> On Nov 6, 2013, at 12:38 PM, Dana Shills <[email protected]> wrote:
> My data is of the following format - I have multiple years of observations on firms in different industries. The industries are defined at a very dis-aggregated level so each firm is not associated with just one industry but with multiple industries and this classification doesn't change over time. For instance: Firm A is associated with 4 different industries and we have three years of data, so there are 12 observations on firm A. My dependent variable, Y, is 0/1 (Did the firm make an announcement in that industry in that year or not). X is a vector of covariates.
> I am using the following nested random effects model accounting for the multiple observations per firm and the multiple firms in each industry.
> xtmelogit Y X ||industry: ||firm:
> Is this correct given that each firm is not just associated with just one industry?
> Thanks
> Dana
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