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Re: st: renaming variables from first observation
Nick Cox <[email protected]>
[email protected]
Re: st: renaming variables from first observation
Thu, 25 Aug 2011 10:27:00 +0100
In fact, much of the last part of this to with -renvars- is a red
herring. I was wondering exactly why my code with -renvars- worked; I
just figured out that it was an accident in the original example in
which buggy code gave the right answer for the wrong reason.
Better code is
renvars , map(word(@[1], 1))
This should be more transparent. The idiosyncratic detail is that @ is
a placeholder for each variable name in turn. The recipe then is to
use the first word of the value in the first observation. So for
-var1- the new name would be the value of
word(var1[1], 1)
On Thu, Aug 25, 2011 at 10:13 AM, Nick Cox <[email protected]> wrote:
> Let's assume that your first values are all legal names. You could
> indeed do this
> forval j = 1/14 {
> local names `names' `=var`j'[1]'
> }
> renvars var1-var14 \ `names'
> But that's actually dozens of lines more code (look _inside_ -renvars-) than
> forval j = 1/14 {
> rename var`j' `=var`j'[1]'
> }
> and the second is in any case shorter and more direct, even without
> looking inside -renvars-.
> You asked what a solution was with -renvars- and I agree that it looks
> complicated. The -map()- option was mine and intended as an outlet for
> the desperate user-programmer whose problem was not met by any of the
> other options. But usually you need to be moderately fluent in Stata
> to make effective use of it. The program was written for the authors'
> use and any utility beyond that is a pleasant side-effect!
> `= exp'
> evaluates an expression on the fly and is documented tersely at -help
> macro-. But the main idea is simple. Consider as part of a command
> line
> `= 2 + 2'
> Stata sees ` ' and so expects something like a macro reference to be
> substituted. But instead of a macro name there is
> = 2 + 2
> Stata does the calculation on the fly. In this case the result is 4
> and that is what the command would see.
> -renvars- is over a decade old now. After that length of time
> StataCorp caught up and the official -rename- is now much versatile in
> Stata 12, although I doubt it has a way to solve your problem without
> a loop. I would be happy to be shown wrong on that.
> Nick
> On Thu, Aug 25, 2011 at 9:50 AM, Abhimanyu Arora
> <[email protected]> wrote:
>> Yes Nick, precisely, my values in the first observation were not
>> legal. What I meant by storing values in a macro was something like a
>> horizontal -levelsof- command. Once I obtain the values in a single
>> macro I thought of simply using your and Jeroen Weesie's -renvars-.
>> But the map option seems not that easy to understand, perhaps because
>> I find `quotes' confusing sometimes. One needs to have a string
>> expression in the parentheses while using the map option but I see
>> that the expression in your example is in `quotes', normally used for
>> macros. Would be really great if you could clarify this fundamental
>> issue.
>> Many thanks
>> Abhimanyu
>> . list in 1
>> +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
>> 1. | var1 | var2 | var3 | var4 | var5
>> | var6 | var7 | var8 | var9 | var10 | var11 | var12 |
>> | Series Code | Series Name | Country Code | Country Name | 2000
>> | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 |
>> |---------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------|
>> | var13 |
>> var14 |
>> | 2008 |
>> 2009 |
>> +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
>> On Thu, Aug 25, 2011 at 10:35 AM, Nick Cox <[email protected]> wrote:
>>> Already answered, but not correctly. You could e.g. use the first word
>>> of the first value. This works:
>>> . l
>>> +------------------------------+
>>> | var1 var2 var3 |
>>> |------------------------------|
>>> 1. | Frog Toad Venomous snake |
>>> 2. | 1 2 3 |
>>> +------------------------------+
>>> . renvars , map(`=word("@", 1)')
>>> . l
>>> +------------------------------+
>>> | Frog Toad Venomous |
>>> |------------------------------|
>>> 1. | Frog Toad Venomous snake |
>>> 2. | 1 2 3 |
>>> +------------------------------+
>>> Nick
>>> On Thu, Aug 25, 2011 at 9:25 AM, Abhimanyu Arora
>>> <[email protected]> wrote:
>>>> I caught the mistake, thanks to -set trace on-. 'Code' is the second
>>>> word of my observation of the first variable and of course a variable
>>>> name has to be single worded. But my question on possibility of using
>>>> Nick's -renvars- remains.
>>>> Best regards
>>>> Abhimanyu
>>>> On Thu, Aug 25, 2011 at 10:07 AM, Abhimanyu Arora
>>>> <[email protected]> wrote:
>>>>> Good morning statalist
>>>>> I would like to rename my variables var1-var14 to the corresponding
>>>>> values from the first observation.
>>>>> I followed the post on
>>>>> and
>>>>> modified it for my purpose.
>>>>> but I got this error
>>>>> . forvalues k = 1/14 {
>>>>> 2. local newname = var`k'[1]
>>>>> 3. ren var`k' `newname'
>>>>> 4. }
>>>>> Code not allowed
>>>>> Also is it posible to store the values of an observation in a macro?
>>>>> Perhaps I could then use Nick Cox's -renvars-?
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