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Re: st: difficulty with aflogit command
Nick Cox <[email protected]>
[email protected]
Re: st: difficulty with aflogit command
Sun, 29 May 2011 10:56:11 +0100
If you rename -displacement- or clone it to have a name no more than 8
characters long you can get round the second problem in Stata 10.1.
The machine I am using does not have Stata 11, so I can not report on
that case.
On Sun, May 29, 2011 at 10:34 AM, Nick Cox <[email protected]> wrote:
> The version of -aflogit- you are using is, as you report, from STB-42
> in 1997 and I am not aware of a later version. My guess is that it is
> broken by later changes in official Stata. Thus the first command set
> you give does work in Stata 10.1, so my guess is that it is broken by
> some change in Stata 11. The second command set does not work in 10.1
> either. It looks like some bizarre side-effect of a change in Stata's
> limits, so that "displacement" is being separated into "displace" and
> "ment", but I haven't traced the error and I am not certain.
> But -aflogit- is broken so far as you are concerned and I can offer no
> solution for you except to find some other way of doing these
> calculations.
> Nick
> On Sun, May 29, 2011 at 6:54 AM, Ari Samaranayaka <[email protected]> wrote:
>> Hi
>> I am having difficulty with the user-written command aflogit.
>> Although it is expected to work after unconditional logit or poisson it does
>> not work for me.
>> sysuse auto,clear
>> logit foreign mpg rep78
>> aflogit
>> this produce
>> Logistic regression Number of obs =
>> 69
>> LR chi2(2) =
>> 33.10
>> Prob > chi2 =
>> 0.0000
>> Log likelihood = -25.851693 Pseudo R2 =
>> 0.3903
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> foreign | Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf.
>> Interval]
>> -------------+----------------------------------------------------------------
>> mpg | .1328672 .0735776 1.81 0.071 -.0113423
>> .2770767
>> rep78 | 1.73607 .4928761 3.52 0.000 .7700508
>> 2.70209
>> _cons | -10.03775 2.407455 -4.17 0.000 -14.75628
>> -5.319226
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> .
>> . aflogit
>> Can only be used after unconditional logistic or poisson regression
>> last estimates not found
>> r(301);
>> Then I used the following.
>> poisson price weight displacement
>> aflogit
>> This produces
>> Poisson regression Number of obs =
>> 74
>> LR chi2(2) =
>> 29652.15
>> Prob > chi2 =
>> 0.0000
>> Log likelihood = -29162.101 Pseudo R2 =
>> 0.3370
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> price | Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf.
>> Interval]
>> -------------+----------------------------------------------------------------
>> weight | .0003235 4.52e-06 71.55 0.000 .0003147
>> .0003324
>> displacement | .0000446 .000037 1.20 0.228 -.000028
>> .0001172
>> _cons | 7.708671 .0081077 950.79 0.000 7.69278
>> 7.724561
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> . aflogit
>> Population attributable fraction from poisson regression
>> Cross-sectional / cohort data (n=74)
>> Term Ref. A.F. s.e. [95% Conf. Int.]*
>> ----------------------------------------------------------
>> weight 0 0.6355 11.9561 -3.03e+27 1.0000
>> ment not found
>> r(111);
>> Can someone help me.
>> I am using stata SE 11.2.
>> my version of aflogit is
>> c:\ado\plus\a\aflogit.ado
>> *! version 1.0.6 16 Sep 1997 STB-42 sbe21
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