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RE: st: add up variable / quantile

From   "Scharnigg, Stan (Stud. SBE)" <[email protected]>
To   "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Subject   RE: st: add up variable / quantile
Date   Tue, 29 Mar 2011 12:30:25 +0200

Look at the help for -egen-. You want

egen total_gross = total(gross), by(accountID)

Thank you, but I have some additional questions:

A. I have data for 6 years (72 months). What if I want to add up the gross_performance for e.g the first 12 months. So, I guess I need to
create different variables for different time periods, but I am not sure how to do that. One extensive possibility might be that I create a different dataset
for every period, but I guess there might also be another solution

accountID; gross_performance; date
1                -.1                              jan_00
1                 .2                              febr_00
3                 .1                              jan_00 
3                 .1                              febr_00

B. If I use egen total_gross = total(gross_performance), by(accountID) I get many duplicate values. In some cases I have
72 duplicate values. What is the best way to delete the duplicate values, so that they won't show up if I do some tests. I don't
think that renaming them to "0" is an option then. 

Thank you,

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