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RE: st: svy bootstrap
"Michael Palmer" <[email protected]>
<[email protected]>
RE: st: svy bootstrap
Fri, 11 Mar 2011 18:49:27 +1100
Thank you very much for your advice, I have tweaked the program according to your suggestions but am getting an error message after the syntax line ('options not allowed') and later: 'an error occurred when bs4rw executed twopart'. Any thoughts?
The do file now reads:
capture program drop twopart
program twopart, rclass
tempname sm1 sm0 smear prob m_1 m_2 m_3 m_4 i_1 i_2 i_3 i_4 b_1 b_2 c_1 c_2 d_1 d_2
tempvar pr_y yhat ehat smear smear_ins smear_ins1 sm1 smear_noins smear_noins1 sm2 yhat_duan yhat_pwd1 yhat_pwd0 y_pwd1 y_pwd0
syntax [pweight /] [if]
marksample touse
logit inpat_public $xlist1 [`weight'=`exp'] if age > 5 & `touse'
predict `pr_y', pr
reg ipexp_public_log $xlist1 [`weight'=`exp'] if age > 5 & inpat_public==1 & `touse'
predict `yhat', xb
predict `ehat', residuals
gen `smear_ins' = exp(`ehat') if insurance==1
mean `smear_ins' [`weight'=`exp']
summ `smear_ins'
gen `smear_ins1' = r(mean)
summ `smear_ins1'
scalar `sm1' = r(max)
gen `smear_noins' = exp(`ehat') if insurance==0
mean `smear_noins' [`weight'=`exp']
summ `smear_noins'
gen `smear_noins1' = r(mean)
summ `smear_noins1'
scalar `sm0' = r(max)
gen `yhat_duan' = exp(`yhat')*`sm1' if insurance==1
replace `yhat_duan' = exp(`yhat')*`sm0' if insurance==0
mean `yhat_duan' [`weight'=`exp']
scalar `smear' = _b[`yhat_duan']
mean `pr_y' [`weight'=`exp']
scalar `prob' = _b[`pr_y']
gen `yhat_pwd1' = `yhat_duan' if pwd==1
mean `yhat_pwd1' [`weight'=`exp']
scalar `m_1' = _b[`yhat_pwd1']
gen `yhat_pwd0' = `yhat_duan' if pwd==0
mean `yhat_pwd0' [`weight'=`exp']
scalar `m_2' = _b[`yhat_pwd0']
gen `y_pwd1' = `pr_y' if pwd==1
mean `y_pwd1' [`weight'=`exp']
scalar `m_3' = _b[`y_pwd1']
gen `y_pwd0' = `pr_y' if pwd==0
mean `y_pwd0' [`weight'=`exp']
scalar `m_4' = _b[`y_pwd0']
return scalar bpwd = `m_1'*`m_3' - `m_2'*`m_4'
set trace on
set more off
twopart [pweight=psindwt]
return list
bsweights bsw, reps(100) n(-1)
bs4rw bpwd=r(bpwd), rw(bsw*): twopart [pw=psindwt]
Best regards,
Michael Palmer
PhD Candidate
National Centre for Epidemiology and Population Health
The Australian National University
Ph. 6125 0538
M. 0437 867 940
-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Nick Cox
Sent: Thursday, 10 March 2011 8:14 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: st: svy bootstrap
As advised before, use -set trace- to see where the error occurs.
Note that your invocations of `if' will do nothing. You never define any local macro -if- either directly or indirectly through -syntax-.
Similar comment for `typlist'. Empty because never defined.
Your -summ- calls name `exp' but if you want these -summarize-s to use weights you need to use the [pw=exp] syntax just as in other commands.
I didn't read to the end.
On Thu, Mar 10, 2011 at 2:13 AM, Michael Palmer <[email protected]> wrote:
> Thanks so much for your reply. I went ahead with the suggested code in the single program.
> However, I was met with the error message: '=unknown weight type'.
> The revised do file is:
> capture program drop twopart
> program twopart, rclass
> tempname sm1 sm0 smear prob m_1 m_2 m_3 m_4 tempvar pr_y yhat ehat
> smear smear_ins sm1 smear_noins sm2 yhat_duan yhat_pwd1 yhat_pwd0
> y_pwd1 y_pwd0 syntax [pweight /] logit inpat_public $xlist1 if age > 5
> [`weight'=`exp'] predict `pr_y', pr reg ipexp_public_log $xlist1 if
> age > 5 & inpat_public==1 [`weight'=`exp'] predict `yhat', xb predict
> `ehat', residuals
> egen `smear_ins' = mean(exp(`ehat')) if insurance==1 [`weight'=`exp']
> summ `smear_ins' `typlist' `if' `exp'
> scalar `sm1' = r(max)
> egen `smear_noins' = mean(exp(`ehat')) if insurance==0
> [`weight'=`exp'] summ `smear_noins' `typlist' `if' `exp'
> scalar `sm0' = r(max)
> gen `yhat_duan' = exp(`yhat')*`sm1' if insurance==1 replace
> `yhat_duan' = exp(`yhat')*`sm0' if insurance==0 mean `yhat_duan'
> scalar `smear' = _b[`yhat_duan']
> mean `pr_y'
> scalar `prob' = _b[`pr_y']
> gen `yhat_pwd1' = `yhat_duan' if pwd==1 mean `yhat_pwd1'
> [`weight'=`exp'] scalar `m_1' = _b[`yhat_pwd1'] gen `yhat_pwd0' =
> `yhat_duan' if pwd==0 mean `yhat_pwd0' [`weight'=`exp'] scalar `m_2' =
> _b[`yhat_pwd0'] gen `y_pwd1' = `pr_y' if pwd==1 mean `y_pwd1'
> [`weight'=`exp'] scalar `m_3' = _b[`y_pwd1'] gen `y_pwd0' = `pr_y' if
> pwd==0 mean `y_pwd0' [`weight'=`exp'] scalar `m_4' = _b[`y_pwd0']
> return scalar bpwd = `m_1'*`m_3' - `m_2'*`m_4'
> end
> set more off
> twopart
> return list
> bsweights bsw, reps(100) n(-1)
> bs4rw (bpwd=r(pwd)), rw(bsw*): twopart [pw=psindwt]
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