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st: Can't get tabxml to work

From   Scott Talkington <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Can't get tabxml to work
Date   Thu, 06 Jan 2011 11:25:43 -0500

I'm attempting to analyze some data from the national longitudinal study of youth and output some simple tables to an Excel file that I can then map into an Excel workbook template. At this point I don't care where the data is stored, I just want to get some output.

I want to look at a binary dependent variable for whether the respondent has ever been convicted of a crime, by a discrete independent variable indicating church attendance (4 categories). I may add a second independent variable later. I'm just interested in the percentages and frequencies, but can format the output in Excel so don't even care if it's just a decimal proportion. (i.e. means for 0=never convicted vs 1=at least one conviction).

After installing the package and typing in the command line:

.tabxml, dv(con) ivd(church) options(n mean) osvy

I get the error the following error.

unrecognized command:  matsum

I can't find any information on this error, and haven't even issued a "matsum" command so it must be coming from the tabxml ado file. Is this another package I need to install, or something that's just not working?

I'm using Stata Version 10.1 (the latest update). I've also tried updating the tabxml package but it's apparently already updated.

There's nothing terribly sophisticated about the statistics, although I would like to get the chi-sq and pvalues or an F statistic for the bivariate model.


Scott Talkington, PhD
School of Public Policy / George Mason University
[email protected]
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