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st: RE: RE: RE: RE: literal single quotes

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: RE: RE: RE: literal single quotes
Date   Thu, 4 Mar 2010 18:57:34 -0000

I should perhaps expand on that. 

Suppose you go 

local bull "count if `temp' > 0"

and later refer to `bull'. What is lost? Stata evaluates `temp' so that
the macro becomes 

count if __000042 > 0 

or whatever, __000042 being the kind of name Stata uses for temporary
variables. That's all fine, and indeed you need never worry about what
name Stata is actually using. 

[email protected] 

Nick Cox

No one suggested the first. `= char(96)' is needed 

On the general idea, I happily accept that programmers want to avoid
ugly codes. But I have never found this device either necessary or
attractive. The underlying idea seems to be that of "storing" the macro
for later use, but you really don't need to code like that. 

[email protected] 

Feiveson, Alan H. (JSC-SK311)

Thanks, Roger, Nick

Both suggestions work, but something like

. local bull =  "count if char(96)tempchar(39) >0"
. `bull'

unknown function ()

does not work.

. local lq = char(96)

. local rq = char(39)

. local bull =  "count if `lq'temp`rq'  >0"

. `bull'


. local bull   "count if  \`temp\'  >0"

. `bull'


Nick - I see a legitimate need for this when you have a long expression
involving temporary variables or names that may make the code look ugly
if written out next to some other long statement.

Nick Cox

This sounds like the urge for setting up a delayed evaluation, on which
my advice is 

1. Use \` to insert a literal left quote if the urge is overwhelming. 

2. Better, resist the urge. Rewrite your code so that you don't need to
do it.  

This came up a few months ago, but I can't find my post. Martin Weiss
will probably remember it. 

[email protected] 

Feiveson, Alan H. (JSC-SK311)

Can someone please tell me how to define a local macro  that contains
literal single quotes? For example Suppose I want to do something like

local bull "count if `temp' > 0"

where `temp' is to be interpreted literally, not evaluated.

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