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Re: st: re: mean2

From   Roy Wada <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: re: mean2
Date   Thu, 28 Jan 2010 13:06:41 -0800

> At the same time, why not write the alternative FAQ you said was needed
> and that Marcelo invited you to write in 2007?
> <>

Are we still talking about this? I did write it but did not post it.

My impression was that you were happier to be able to do it on your
own away from the spot light. As I recall, you did make extensive
changes to FAQ in the following year. I think it was April. I believe
you made substantial changes along the lines I had originally posted.

I forget what was the other thing but my other impression is that you
have a habit of doing this, saying no to any suggestions made in the
public but quietly implement it anyway once the brouhaha dies down.

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