I certainly understood that Leandro wants zeros on two axes to be
What I didn't (don't) understand why that is problematic in Stata when
there are solutions of (1) just plot data as they come (2) divide one
series by a constant so it's comparable with the other. I wouldn't even
touch the range sub-option.
[email protected]
Martin Weiss
" I am not completely clear what the problem is"
Actually, I found the problem exceptionally clear in this case:
set seed 123456
set obs 100
gen time=_n
gen serieA=rnormal()
gen serieB=rnormal(1,2)
tw (line serieA time, yaxis(1) yli(0)) (line serieB time, yaxis(2))
I just did not know how to align the zero point on the left and right
to be honest...
Nick Cox
I am not completely clear what the problem is, but it seems that just
dividing one series by some constant might be simpler for you.
Is either series ever negative?
[email protected]
Leandro Brufman
I am doing a -graph twoway line- with depicting two series over time
with different axis
- graph twoway (line serieA time, yaxis(1)) (line serieB time, yaxis(2))
I would like to have both axis(1) and axis(2) with the same "zero
level". That is, I would like both axis to be zero at the exact same
point in the graph.
I am repeating this graph for many samples, so fiddling with -range
suboptions- is not very helpful.
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