Thanks Alan. I tried your recommendation and I got it!
translate "C:\data\brooks2.smcl.txt" "C:\data\brooks3.log", replace
linesize(79) translator(smcl2log)
2009/6/11 Alan Neustadtl <[email protected]>:
> I think there is an easier solution if the file extension is simply
> incorrect. You can
> 1) Rename the file from blahblahblah.txt to blahblahblah.smcl and
> 2) use -view blahblahblah.smcl- to read the file or
> 3) - translate blahblahblah.smcl blahblahblah.log- to convert it to an
> ASCII text file.
> Best,
> Alan
> On Thu, Jun 11, 2009 at 1:19 PM, Julie Trivitt<[email protected]> wrote:
>> I have had to deal with this before. I found a work around, although I
>> suspect it is not the quickest or simplest solution.
>> I would open it in a text editor or Word and then use the find/replace tool.
>> I would find {smcl} and replace with (nothing)
>> Then repeat for {txt}, {res}, {sf}, {com}.... all of the nuisance characters
>> in the file.
>> Like I said, I sure it's not the most efficient fix, but I was able to get a
>> cleaner, useful file out of it.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: [email protected]
>> [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Rodrigo Briceño
>> Sent: Thursday, June 11, 2009 12:03 PM
>> To: [email protected]
>> Subject: st: smcl files-txt files
>> Dear Stata Listers. Few days ago I received a log file with a set of
>> results from a consultant. The file was saved as a txt file, but the
>> contents of the file are still keeping some SMCL references. This
>> happened because although the file was saved as txt, it was generated
>> as a log in SMCL. (For example:
>> like {smcl}
>> {com}{sf}{ul off}{txt}{.-}
>> log: {res}C:\data\brooks02.smcl
>> {txt}log type: {res}smcl
>> {txt}opened on: {res}26 May 2009, 10:40:39)
>> The thing is that I tried to open the file in Stata 9.2 with a viewer
>> and all the results are mixed with this set of symbols and signs. I
>> tried saving the file as .smcl, but this didn't work. My question to
>> you is that if it is possible to get rid of the symbols or otherwise
>> being able to see the log in a nice format.
>> I don't know which version of Stata the consultant used, what I know
>> is that locate him is a neverending task.
>> Thanks for your gently response.
>> --
>> Rodrigo Briceño
>> Economist
>> +506 22-91-12-00 ext. 113 Office
>> +506 22-32-08-30 Fax
>> [email protected]
>> MSN: [email protected]
>> SKYPE: rbriceno1087
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Rodrigo Briceño
+506 22-91-12-00 ext. 113 Office
+506 22-32-08-30 Fax
[email protected]
MSN: [email protected]
SKYPE: rbriceno1087
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