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st: glcurve error: "could not restore sort order"

From   Shehzad Ali <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: glcurve error: "could not restore sort order"
Date   24 May 2008 15:33:48 +0100

Hi listers,

I am trying to run the following glcurve command:

glcurve y [aw=weight], sortvar(x) by(insurance) split replace lorenz

I get the expected graphs but I also get the following error:

"could not restore sort order because variables were dropped"

I know I haven't dropped any variables. Also I know that x is never missing for insurance_0 or insurance_1 (insurance is dummy var). Is there something I am doing wrong here? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

With best regards,

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