Your question is becoming less clear to me. For the benefit of those of
us who don't ever use SPSS, please spell out precisely what you are
missing: some kind of editor that consists only of fields for metadata
such as names and variable labels?
[email protected]
Eric Uslaner
Thanks Maarten and Nick for the responses so far, but I know of label,
rename, and renvars (all great). But I want to avoid having to rename
and relabel 300 variables in successive commands. What I am looking for
is an editor/spreadsheet, as in SPSS's variable view. That would save a
ton of time. As I see it now, using the data editor is far less
cumbersome than 300 rename/label statements and renvars doesn't make the
whole process that much easier.
Any help would be appreciated. And if not, why can't Stata do this as
SPSS has?
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