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Re: st: simultaneous equation, continuous and dummy variable

From   [email protected]
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: simultaneous equation, continuous and dummy variable
Date   Sun, 13 Jan 2008 10:45:50 +0100

I agree that -cdsimeq- is the best choice. You may also find some (second best?) solution in -cmp- from SSC

At 02.33 11/01/2008 -0500, "francesca.modena" wrote:
>Hello Statalisters,
>I would like to estimate the following simultaneous-equation model, 
>Reg C X Y
>Logit X Y W
>Where C is a continuous variable (consumption) and X is a dummy. If I am
>right, sureg and reg3 consider the case of continuous variables
>I used the endogenous switching regression model to control for the
>endogeneity of X:
>1) Logit X Y W
>2) generate the two selection terms (inverse Mill's ratio) for X=0 and for
>3) reg C X Y X*first selection term (1-X)*second selection term
>This is a second best solution. 
>Does anyone have any suggestions to estimate the simultaneous equation
>Thanks in advance.

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