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st: re: comparing coefficients in different regressions

From   Kit Baum <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: re: comparing coefficients in different regressions
Date   Mon, 14 Jan 2008 11:26:22 -0500

Antonio said

global malesuic (divper_lag income_lag gini_xpg alcohtot gunhomper
unempl p1019 p65 pctcatholic pcprotestant pctmormon pctbabtispt
i1-i51 )

global femalesuic (divper_lag income_lag gini_xpg alcohtot gunhomper
unempl p1019 p65 pctcatholic pcprotestant pctmormon pctbabtispt
i1-i51 )

sureg $malesuic $femalesuic

I got the message singular matrix, i am trying to estimate a fixed effects model

test [malesuic] gunhomper = [femalesuic] gunhomper

First of all there is no need for the globals. Equations will be given names automatically. What you have done is exclude the dependent variable from each regression. Those equation names are used in the test command WITHOUT intervening spaces, e.g. [malesuic] gunhomper.

Kit Baum, Boston College Economics and DIW Berlin
An Introduction to Modern Econometrics Using Stata:

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