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RE: st: Missing values

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   RE: st: Missing values
Date   Wed, 9 Jan 2008 17:45:13 -0000

If this is correct, then 

. replace v25 == . if v25 > . 

is a way to fix your data. 

[email protected] 

Sergiy Radyakin

Hello Nils,

it could be that the missing values are not exactly Stata's missing
codes (say they fall _between_  (.) and (.a). They are considered
missing, but not equal to (.). I guess a formal name for these is .a_


format v25 %21x
format v25 %16L     // (Windows)

to see what are the exact values stored in the variable and whether
they correspond to Stata's expectations.

Best regards,
   Sergiy Radyakin

On 1/9/08, Drews Nils <[email protected]> wrote:
> Dear all,
> I have trouble with missing values with a variable which was created
with SAS. For some reason the missing values do not seem to be the
system missing value, but I cant figure what the value actually is, see
log below. Has anyone an idea what I am overlooking? Why do I get "no
observations" when I type "tab v25 if v25 == ., mis"?
> Thanks,
> Nils
> . use v25
> . li in 1013926/1013930
>         +----------+
>         |      v25 |
>         |----------|
> 1013926. | .3333333 |
> 1013927. | .8009968 |
> 1013928. |        . |
> 1013929. | .6666665 |
> 1013930. |  .786561 |
>         +----------+
> . tab v25 if v25 == ., mis
> no observations
> . tab v25 if v25 >= ., mis
>  frauenant. |      Freq.     Percent        Cum.
> ------------+-----------------------------------
>          . |    310,286      100.00      100.00
> ------------+-----------------------------------
>      Total |    310,286      100.00
> . d v25
>              storage  display     value
> variable name   type   format      label      variable label
> v25             float  %9.0g                  frauenant.

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