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Re: st: Control for the dependency of observations when correlate & ANOVA

From   David Airey <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: Control for the dependency of observations when correlate & ANOVA
Date   Tue, 8 Jan 2008 21:27:13 -0600


There are a couple recent papers proposing to use linear mixed models (rather than SEM) to analyze twin data, both in 2007, one in Behavioral Genetics and the other in Biometrics. I don't yet have a copy of the paper below, that used Stata.


Biometrics. 2007 May 2 [Epub ahead of print]
Biometrical Modeling of Twin and Family Data Using Standard Mixed Model Software.
Rabe-Hesketh S, Skrondal A, Gjessing HK.
Graduate School of Education & Graduate Group in Biostatistics, University of California, Berkeley, California 94720, U.S.A. & Institute of Education, University of London, London WC1H OAL, U.K.

Biometrical genetic modeling of twin or other family data can be used to decompose the variance of an observed response or 'phenotype' into genetic and environmental components. Convenient parameterizations requiring few random effects are proposed, which allow such models to be estimated using widely available software for linear mixed models (continuous phenotypes) or generalized linear mixed models (categorical phenotypes). We illustrate the proposed approach by modeling family data on the continuous phenotype birth weight and twin data on the dichotomous phenotype depression. The example data sets and commands for Stata and R/S-PLUS are available at the Biometrics website. PMID: 17484777 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

On Jan 8, 2008, at 5:48 PM, Wen Jun wrote:

Hi All,

I am trying to run some descriptive analyses (i.e. correlations,
ANOVA) on two children within one family and want to control for the
dependency of observations.  For example, my data include 1000
families and each family has two children. I want to know the
correlation between parenatl education and child gender, but want to
control for the dependency of observation. That is, I don't want to
correlate parental education and child gender for first and second
born specifically. I am a SAS user. I have heard that this is possible
to do in STATA, although I have no idea how to do it. Please give some
suggestions. Thanks!


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