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RE: st: RE: RE: -outreg2- in Stata 10, Richard

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   RE: st: RE: RE: -outreg2- in Stata 10, Richard
Date   Thu, 2 Aug 2007 00:03:26 +0100

And to fill in two more bits of the jigsaw: 

1. The person who reported the problem is 
presumably using an out-of-date version. 

2. I looked at the latest version of the 
program, and could see a missing -version- 
statement in a subroutine, and that led
to my various guesses. It's missing, 
sure, but that is not actually a problem. 

[email protected] 

roy wada
> Alright, I went back into the program and checked things out.
> I am happy to report that Richard is "probably" correct and I
> was wrong. I only say "probably" because I did not look
> at every possibility.
> As Nick reported earlier, -outreg2- has a convoluted structure.
> The main program is located in the middle of the ado file. It was
> the main program that was missing the version control.
> (To be absolutely clear: a sub-program called -outreg2Main-
> is not the main program. It used to be. -outreg2- is its own
> main program. Versions 1.1 and 1.2 of -outreg2- are missing
> version control for the main program. Version 1.3 has this
> problem fixed.)
> As far as I can tell, Stata Corp does not need to worry about the
> possibility of "puzzling consequences."

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