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Re: st: SImple question on "describe"

From   Philip Ryan <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: SImple question on "describe"
Date   Wed, 21 Jun 2006 10:47:26 +0930

In answer to your first question, perhaps:

====== save this as ds_varlab.ado =========
program ds_varlab
quietly ds
foreach var of varlist `r(varlist)' {
di "`var'" _col(36) "`: variable label `var''"

. sysuse auto, clear
. d_var

make                         Make and Model
price                        Price
mpg                          Mileage (mpg)
rep78                        Repair Record 1978
headroom                     Headroom (in.)
trunk                        Trunk space (cu. ft.)
weight                       Weight (lbs.)
length                       Length (in.)
turn                         Turn Circle (ft.)
displacement                 Displacement (cu. in.)
gear_ratio                   Gear Ratio
foreign                      Car type


At 05:44 PM 20/06/2006 -0700, you wrote:

I've checked the user's guide, programming and the
reference guide.  I want to use describe and only want
the variable name and variable label - not the other
information.  Also, when I use a table command - I
would like to see BOTH the variable name and the
variable label - is this possible?


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Philip Ryan
Associate Professor,
Discipline of Public Health

Director, Data Management & Analysis Centre

Associate Dean (IT)
Faculty of Health Sciences

postal address:
Department of Public Health
Mail Drop 511
University of Adelaide 5005
South Australia

Level 6
Bice Building
Royal Adelaide Hospital
North Terrace

tel 61 8 8303 3570
fax 61 8 8223 4075
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