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st: It seems streg's robust STD.ERROR is not correct

From   ronggui <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: It seems streg's robust STD.ERROR is not correct
Date   Mon, 13 Feb 2006 00:58:12 +0800

Or maybe not precise.I write some R( code to get the
robust standard error of fixed-effect model according to  Econometric
Analysis of Cross Section and Panel Data
(Wooldridge,1999:pp274-276) .I get the some result of the book,but not
the same as Stata's output.

Is it Stata's problem?

. xtreg  lscrap d88 d89 grant grant_1,fe i(fcode) rob

             |               Robust
      lscrap |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf. Interval]
         d88 |  -.0802157   .1033851    -0.78   0.440    -.2852322    .1248008
         d89 |  -.2472028    .174971    -1.41   0.161    -.5941768    .0997712
       grant |  -.2523149   .1376767    -1.83   0.070     -.525333    .0207033
     grant_1 |  -.4215895   .2528442    -1.67   0.098    -.9229891    .0798101
       _cons |   .5974341   .0779915     7.66   0.000      .442774    .7520941

My result :
$"Between-Effect Model Coef"
               Coef Robust Std.Err   Std.Err    T-value    P-value
d88     -0.08021568     0.09571894 0.1094751 -0.7327297 0.46537157
d89     -0.24720280     0.19251435 0.1332183 -1.8556221 0.06633915
grant   -0.25231487     0.14032911 0.1506290 -1.6750751 0.09692392
grant.1 -0.42158951     0.27633474 0.2102000 -2.0056593 0.04748974

     F.Model     P(Model)  F-test ui=0      P(ui=0)    Within-R2
6.542595e+00 9.774055e-05 2.466133e+01 3.829378e-40 2.010471e-01

Deparment of Sociology
Fudan University

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