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RE: st: -generate- and run time contingencies

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   RE: st: -generate- and run time contingencies
Date   Mon, 30 Jan 2006 17:17:35 -0000

I support the idea of a c() result. 

s() would seem odd given what they
are normally used for. 

A global macro, or even a global marco 
(wasn't that Marco Polo?), would be

[email protected] 

Michael Blasnik
> "Nick Winter" <[email protected]> wrote
> > I am reminded again that it would be nice if the -replace- 
> command somehow 
> > left behind the number of changes it makes (which it 
> displays, but does 
> > not leave for a program to pick up.)  It's been discussed before on 
> > statalist I think, and making -replace- r-class would 
> likely break all 
> > kinds of programs, but still it would be handy to be able 
> to get to that 
> > somehow....
> I have also suggested this feature, although not by making 
> -replace- into 
> r-class, but perhaps making it s-class, or place the number of values 
> changed in c(), or even in a global macro (remember $S_...?).
> Although I think most problems, such as the original example 
> given in this 
> thread, have better solutions than looping repeatedly until a 
> condition 
> changes, there are some problems that still seem to require it.  The 
> addition of the itrim() function (thanks!) solved my most 
> common need for 
> such looping, but there are still some cases where loops are 
> required, and 
> could execute a bit faster, if you didn't have to add in a 
> count command. 
> It just seems very un-Stataish to have a value show up in the 
> results window 
> and have no direct way to access it.

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