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RE: st: Testing & modifying ado file without reloading data set

From   "b. water" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   RE: st: Testing & modifying ado file without reloading data set
Date   Wed, 25 Jan 2006 14:36:32 +0000

Thank you to Fred Wolfe for his insights, and Thomas and Nick for their responses again.

Fred, Nick, I did have a version of the ado in the same directory but it's called progt i.e. program define progt (saved as progt.ado). I messed about with a copy of it which I called progtest i.e. program define progtest (saved as progtest.ado) also residing in the same folder just in case I did something silly, I have at least a last good working copy to fallback on. -discard- from command line is working now that I have removed the back-up ado copy.

Thomas - that was a good suggestion to wrap it in a do-file. Works well.

Again, thank you for all your advice/help.


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